Sunday, December 18, 2011

What Can I Give?

To any situation, relationship, experience,
 I only ask, “What can I give?”

When I am afraid, I have nothing to give but fear.
When I am conflicted, I can only give my confusion.
When I am hurt, I can only offer my woundedness.
When I am resentful, I can only give my anger.

These are not gifts.
When these offerings are given, the giver always receives the same in return.
When we offer something from the place of negative emotion, we simply reinforce our ‘”right” to feel.
All feelings come from thoughts, from Who and Whose we think we are created to be.

When we identify with humanity, we have human or fear-based defensive thoughts and feelings.
When we believe we are limited, lacking and little, we have limiting thoughts and emotions.
When we identify with holiness, and our Creator, we have holy, healing and creative thoughts.
When we believe we are healing and creative, we have positive, inspiring and loving feelings.

Let us forgive ourselves for identifying with our weakness, limitations and fear.
Let us forgive our past history of lack, limitation and victimization.
Let us forgive what we have not done for love and remember the love we have to give now.
Let us forgive the world’s judgmental thinking and choose again for freedom and trust.

When I stop judging, comparing, criticizing and simply remember, I Am the Gift.
I Am Enough.
All I really have to give is the Love I Am.
When I remember I come from Love, I give Serenity and Peace, Gratitude and Joy.

There are times when we take what others say personally.
There are moment when we believe our limitations.
There are hidden memories of fear and hurt, separation and lack.
There is unconscious guilt for what we have forgotten and forsaken.

When we forgive it all, we step into the Light of  Love within and remember .”I Am Love.”
No one and nothing can harm me.
Everything I think and say and do teaches, heals and reminds everyone of the Love they Are.
With Love (God) in me, there is nothing I cannot do for the sake of Love.

Yes, in our human frailties, identifying with the body, we may believe we are limited and lacking.
But when we remember the Spirit of Life within, we realize that Love is Eternal and so are we.
This is the season for giving.
We are the gifts, Love for one another as we Love ourselves.

When we give from a place of remembering to be Love, we set free the Love and return to Holiness.

This is the calling of this season:
Life is for Giving.
You are the Gift. 
In giving the Gift of your true Self, you realize the Gift You Are.
Thank you for the gifts of Love you offer me and all humanity,
Blessed be.
Betty Lue