Saturday, December 17, 2011

What Are You Waiting For?

We never know when guests will arrive.
We never know when we will meet again.
We never know when is the last time.
We never know when we will be awakened.

If we really do not know, why not be ready now?
If we are not at choice about other’s destiny, why not appreciation them right now?
If we do not know when an honored guest will come to our door, why not make our home ready now?
And still if we are the guest, if this is our time, if we are to realize our purpose, why wait to be ready?

When my home is always ready for a guest, I feel like happy to come home.
When my life is squeaky clean, I know that I am complete with myself and my Source.
When my relationships are all left in a respectful and loving condition, I am at peace.
When I have handles my past and my present, then I am ready for whatever the future brings.

Everyday we handle our affairs and bring them to completion each day.
Our home is clean and clear before we go to bed at night.
There is always enough food in the house to prepare a healthy meal.
Wastebaskets are emptied, laundry is done, and one light is left on when we leave.

Because we handle our home, work, relationships, and affairs consistently, there is no urgency or anxiety.
Because we complete what we begin or put it away with a schedule for its completion, life works smoothly.
Because we eat simply, our meals are decided when we do grocery shopping.
Because we each know and respect  and appreciate the other’s responsibilities, there are no uncertainties.

When you have things handled in everyday life, there is nothing to distract us from the important functions.
Because Love and Peace and Joy are primary, there is little to distract us from living our mission.
To be “on call for God” and “available to serve Goodness” requires us to have our personal affairs handled.
Are you ready to be called to serve, to give, to listen, to love, to honor every encounter with respect?

As we prepare for the new year 2012, may be it is time to put away distractions, delaying excuses.
Maybe it is time to stop using the old excuses of disappointment, condemnation, and despair.
If there seems to be not enough time, money and energy, maybe it is time to simplify desires and needs.
When energy is spent despairing over what we don’t have or can’t, do, it is hard to have good come to you.

Why wait for Santa or someone else to do it for you?
Wishing for a magic pill or promise or permission disempowers you in undoing what is in the wait.
Simply stop doing what is no longer helpful or good.
Let go of excess stuff, excessive cover-up and excuses, excessive worrying or stressing.

To be ready:
Clean up your life.
Clean up your home and closets and garage and storage.
Clear up your relationships with forgiveness and blessing.
Clean up your finances, by acknowledging your indebtedness and create a plan to clear it all.
Clean up your own accountability with yourself and make amends for your mistakes.
Clean up your relationships with God, Source, Creator with self forgiveness and prayer.
It is time for all of us to undo what is no longer true or valuable for us.
It is time to offer honorable closure to everyone where there may be lingering doubts, resentment and hurt.
It is time to be open, willing and ready for the new day, the new year, the new way of Being.
It is time and we are ready, willing and able to bring Love and Joy and Peace to each new day.

Loving you and me and all of us as One,
Betty Lue