Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Plant the Seeds of Love

Where there is lack of Love, give Love.
Where there is distrust, give Trust.
Where there is limitation, give Freedom.
Where there is discouragement, give courage.

In practical terms, where there is upset, separation or cricism, there is lack of Love, Trust and Freedom.
Guilt is a symptom of unforgiveness and lack of Love.
Fear is a symptom of lack of trust and Love.
Anger is a symptom of hurt and lack of Love.

All upset is a call for Love.
All fear is a call for Love.
All anger is a call for Love.
All lack of Love is a clear reminder that we are here to Love one another.

When there is an unplowed field, the seeds of Love may not be received and bear fruit.
When there is leftover toxic material, the Love you sow may not grow.
When there are weeds from the past, the seeds you plant may be overtaken by past negativity.
When there is a fence built to separate you from another, you may be blocked from sharing Love.

It is safe, fun and easy to plant seeds of Love where it is received with gratitude and joy.
It is difficult and scary to plant seeds where the ground is cold and toxic.
It is a healing work to stay focused on loving with intention, commitment and respect.
To heal is to make happy and to extend peace.

Planting seeds of Love in every relationship requires attention to detail.
Loving is received very differently depending on the trust and openness of the recipient.
It is essential that the Giver, simply work the field with sensitivity and loving kindness.
It is necessary the One cultivating the field for love, remove every rock and weed with their blessing.

When we want to grow a family with Love, we must respect each individual’s needs.
When we want to grow a strong functional and unconditional relationship, we must become strong, healthy and unconditional in our Loving Selves.
We must become strong in Spirit, functional and healthy in our communication, forgiving of all judgments, comparisons and limiting beliefs within ourselves.
We must daily clear our minds and open our hearts to how we can best give love today.

Most true answers come from within.
Quiet our mind and ask our higher Self, “How can I plant seeds of Love that will grow in Love today?”

When we cannot easily find the most effective way to Love, we may need to ask. “How would you like me to Love you today?”
When the other is distrusting of our Love, when they feel unloveable, when they fear being loved, we can love them from within.
“I love you and bless you with all the Love, goodness and Kindness I have in me.”

Only Love Prevails.
Betty Lue


There is no difficulty that enough love will not conquer;
No disease that enough love will not heal;
No door that enough love will not open;
No gulf that enough love will not bridge;
No wall that enough love will not throw down;
No sin that enough love will not redeem.

 It makes no difference
  how deeply seated may be the trouble,
How hopeless the outlook,
How muddled the tangle,
How great the mistake.
A sufficient realization of love will dissolve it all.

If only you could love enough, you would be the happiest
and most powerful being in the world.

Emmet Fox