Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Complaints and Criticism

Complaining and criticizing undermine the fabric of relationships, trust, freedom and love.
Be aware that every complaint reflects on the one complaining and weakens your self respect.
Be clear that every criticism is always about the critic and their inner self judgment.
Understand that while it is a common practice, it is unhealthy, unhelpful and not healing.

There must be a better way!
Learn to translate all criticism into a call for love, respect and appreciation.
Learn to change your mind when you begin to complain to a positive affirmation.
Learn to respect yourself enough to find an effective, practical and useful way to relate.

Use affirmation and prayer.
Build trust and encourage honesty.
Share your feelings perceptions and desires, but only when there is safety, trust and genuine love.
Be open to listen with an open-mind to the other’s experiences, choices and feelings.

Seek first to understand and then to be understood.
Listen honestly without defensiveness.
Clarify the underlying intention and meaning of others communication.
Be patient and respectful with other’s differences in values, desires, priorities and choices.

Complaints and criticism reflects on the upset and frustration of the critic and complainer.
When we complain, it is usually because we feel ineffective in managing our own needs.
When we criticize, it is often because we arrogantly think we know what is right for others.
When we nag with continuous complaints and criticisms it is because we foolishly believe we can effect change by doing the same thing over and over.

To be effective in our communications, we must first develop a respectful relationship.
To develop a respectful relationship, we must be consistently respectful of ourselves and others.To encourage others in being responsible, we must model response ability in all our affairs.
To facilitate learning in others, we must learn to speak their language, understand their values and respect their right to choose and voice their views.

With diverse family backgrounds, life experiences, values, and vision, we must learn to accept differences.
When we can accept and respect differences, we learn to negotiate win/win outcomes for everyone.
When we are willing to negotiate, we build trust and establish respect, responsibility and cooperation.
When we build an equal partnership where everyone’s voice is heard and respected, relationships work.

At the core of our lives, we seek to be successful in our relationships and in our world.
Maslow describes humans needs as physiological, safety, social, esteem and self actualization.
When we feel threatened at the basic levels, we will be unable to move to the next level of fulfillment.
Support, encourage and facilitate yourself and others to satisfy their needs one step at a time.

Relationships work when we do the work!
Yes, conditional relationships require work.
Unconditional committed relationships are far more harmonious.
More later……
Loving us all as we learn and grow together.
Betty Lue


Prayerful Living is an art of learning to think, speak and act in a way that brings peace and healing to yourself, your family and our world.
For everyone. NO need to become a prayer chaplain.  Useful, practical and effective!

 Unity Center for Inspired Living Prayer Chaplaincy Training

 “At times our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person. Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us.”    -- Albert Schweitzer

We are here to serve one another in love, with our hands, our hearts and our shared spiritual life.
In living out this vision we are committed to reaching out in prayer to support ourselves and each other.
The Prayer Chaplaincy Training is an opportunity for individuals who are looking to take the next step in the development of their spiritual maturity and level of commitment in their spiritual growth.
At the completion of our training, those who wish to serve as Prayer Chaplains are invited to do so.
Facilitators:               Rev. Robert Waldon & Rev. Betty Lue Lieber
Date & Time:             SATURDAY, April 2, 2011 10:00 am – 4:00 pm (potluck lunch)
Location:                    Unity Center for Inspired Living 50 Sand Creek Rd, Brentwood
Cost:                           Love offering contribution, as guided by Spirit.
Registration:             Call (800) 919-2392 to register or receive more information.

Join us for a chance to reflect on your own spiritual path, review how New Thought
views both God and prayer, and practice one-on-one prayer with supervision.


For Everyone who wants to better understand and effectively utilize all the healing modalities and tools that are available!
Helpful for you and your family, complements traditional medicine.

Conscious Healing:
Explore the Paradigm Shift 

  • Expand your understanding of the healing process.
  • Choose healing modalities that work for you.
  • Learn how to be responsible for your own health.
  • Recognize the value of faith and the healing relationship.
  • Practical and personal experience for healers and those with health issues.
  • Sharing, learning, experiential, visualization and prayer. 
Spiritual Healing and Holistic HealthHow to use metaphysical principles to heal ourselves. Are we using magic or science or ?????
Do we know how faith really works? Can You be wholly healthy in mind, body and Spirit?
 Facilitators:               Rev. Robert Waldon & Rev. Betty Lue Lieber
                                                with 15 years teaching Holistic Practitioners and Healers
Date & Time:             SUNDAY, April 3, 2011 11:30 am – 1:00 pm
Location:                    Unity Center for Inspired Living 50 Sand Creek Rd, Brentwood
Cost:                           Love offering contribution, as guided by Spirit.
Registration:             Call (800) 919-2392 to register or receive more information.