Do you care about your neighbors?
Do you care about every child?
Do you care about the local businesses?
Do you care about the education for all children?
How do you demonstrate you care?
Do you speak up when the line is too long at the grocery store?
Do you make sure you receive and give correct change?
Do you ask if you can help when you see someone struggling with their bags of groceries?
Do you pick up items that have fallen on the ground?
Do you thank everyone who helps you with a smile?
Do you notice when someone needs help reaching the highest shelf?
Do you handle the produce with clean hands?
Do you make suggestions to the one who can affect change? (store manager or customer service?)
Do you volunteer to help in the classroom?
Do you ask how you can support fund raisers for your local schools?
Do you offer to purchase classroom supplies or support the kids who don’t have the needed supplies?
Do you ask the principal how you can make sure every child has enough lunch money?
Do you donate time or money to the local after school care?
Do you stop bullying or help a child who may be hurt?
Do you treat every child as your own?
Do you greet your neighbors?
Do you recognize everyone is your neighbor?
Do you notice when something may be needed and offer help?
Are you respectful of your neighborhood?
When asked for help, do you provide what you can without harm to either party?
Do you notice that the world becomes safer when you help others?
Are you willing to give up attack thoughts and begin to offer only love?
Do you forgive yourself and others for every time you have neglected to care?
Do you forgive yourself for judging others and their predicaments?
Do you care about the world that is your temporary home?
Do you value what you have and care for it consciously and with gratitude?
Are you willing to teach others to care for themselves, their families, homes and workplace?
Are you open to being tolerant and patient with others’ ignorance and fear?
Love does not inter fear or mind others’ business.
Love reaches out offering assistance when others demonstrate a need.
Love trusts others to learn and heal and grow from life’s experience.
Love care enough to always give the very best.
Loving you,
Betty Lue