Monday, January 31, 2011

Conscious Communication

Do you consciously communicate with your words, written and spoken?
Do you “get” what the receiver interprets in what you say or write?
The communicator is responsible for his intention and for what the receiver decodes.
The communicator can listen for how the communication is received.

Say what you want to say.
Say what you really mean.
Say what you intend to be received.
I am feeling………..I want you to hear………..I am willing to………..

How are you feeling about what I said?
What do you really want to say in response?
What do you want?

How are you feeling?
What do you really want?
What can you do?

 How do I feel?
What do I want?
What can I do?

When communicating our feelings, needs and wants, we often intend and expect the other to comply.
When we do not get from them what we want, we either quit with resentment or ask again (attack) with anger.
It is far more effective to take full responsibility for our feelings and healing them.
It is healthier to be responsible for what we want and being willing to do what we need.

When others feel resentment or guilt about our unmet needs, they usually withdraw their attention.
When others feel demands or threats on them to provide our unmet needs, they feel attacked.
When others  do not understand or care about us, it is usually because they do not understand or care about themselves.  In either case, it is essential they take care of and heal themselves first.

Before others can respond with love to us, they must be able to fully respond to themselves with Love.
Before others can give us what we are requesting, they must have the inner sense of enough time, energy and love to respond.
In today’s world most feel deprived or denied of the basics-sleep, healthy nutrition,  laughter, belonging, security, fulfilling work, affection and affirmation.
When anyone feels deprived, depleted or discouraged, they do not have the inner resources to respond.

Becoming a giver rather than a taker, is key to a fulfilling and happy life.
Becoming someone who gives encouragement and love requires taking impeccable care of oneself.
Becoming a source of Goodness fulfills our lives so we can reach out with loving kindness and respect.
Becoming a conscious communicator asks that we give what we want rather than take what we need.

Make sure you have the time, energy, focus and clear intention before communicating.
Set a time (appointment) with others before you share your intended communication.
Be respectful, asking permission and seeking the best possible time to communicate.
Give everyone the gift of conscious communication always setting a goal of the highest outcome for all.

Loving us all as we remember to listen and speak with our hearts,
Betty Lue

Keys to Successful Relationships
Joining-Create a common vision or shared goal.
Honesty- Communicate your true intention without secrets or withholds.
Equality-Each is giving the best they know in each moment.
Commitment- Agree to what is highest and best for both parties.
Responsibility- Be able and willing to respond consciously to all relationship needs without guilt or blame.
Be respectful and forgiving of mistakes made by either party.