Love is giving…….. without expectation.
Love is enjoying……….. with full appreciation.
Love is accepting……. without comparing.
Love is respecting……willing to see the Good in All.
Love is peaceful……and extending peace to others.
Love is honest……speaking only the affirming Truth.
Love is gentle…..treating everyone as precious.
Love is kind……knowing all deserve the best.
Love is helpful…..respecting the abilities in others.
Love is nurturing…….encouraging healing and growth.
Love is nourishing…..filling the unmet needs for goodness and beauty.
Love is freedom…..allowing others to be what they need to grow.
Love is trusting…..opening the way for all to learn through natural consequences.
When we love, we feel connected and whole, peaceful and good.
When we forget to love, we feel separate and inadequate, fearful and unhappy.
When we love, we are remembering our reason for being.
When we forget, we feel lost and alone.
Where there are blocks to loving, we are called to heal with forgiveness.
When there is fear of love, we are called to forgive our past.
When there is unforgiveness, resentment or regret, there is a call to heal and return to love.
When there is lack of happiness, health and peace, love is the answer to all we really need.
In love, the answers come to our questions.
In love, we realize how perfect life truly is.
In love, we are at home wherever we are.
In love, all are our brothers and sisters.
In love, life works because we trust.
In love, we remember Who We Are.
In love, there is only equality and full appreciation.
Let us be IN LOVE,
Betty Lue