Monday, December 20, 2010

Are You Aware?

Winter Solstice is sometimes call the Victory of Light over Darkness.
This time of year is the season of Giving from the heart.
Christmas is often seen as the birth or rebirth of the Christ consciousness within us.
Yes, it is the remembrance of One who came from the most humble beginnings to change the history of humanity.
This is the celebrated birthday of one who is remembered after over 2000 years as Holy Man, Son of God, and spiritual leader of billions of people over time.
Channukah, the story of the miracles of Light and more and more.
Many Holidays and many Holy Days, all to remind us to Love, to forgive, to heal, to grow, to be more of who we are here to be.

Would you recognize Him?
Would you invite Him to your holiday table?
Would you let Him in and give Him a hearty welcome into your home?
Would you know Him, the One who brought hot tomales to your Christmas feast?

He was not dressed in fancy clothes.
He came late after most had eaten and were now talking and eating dessert.
He seemed hesitant and shy.
He was alone and no one seemed to recognize him.
“Come in, come in”, I said.  Please help yourself and eat.”
I overheard someone say under their breath, ”A free meal, huh?”

Is it possible he is homeless and looking for food?
Is it possible that he was invited, but is unsure?
Could it be that he simply was guided to be with us?
How can we welcome him in to our church potluck?

This experience brought my attention to how often we ignore what we fear.
How many times do we step away from what we don’t understand?
How do we make up stories about what seems strange or foreign?
How many times are we too busy to notice the need to welcome a stranger into our midst?

This Holy Man brought homemade hot tamales to our feast.
This Holy Man was the husband of one of our folks.
This Holy Man came for the first time bringing a gift of Love for this Love-centered feast.
Like the Littlest Angel ( my favorite Christmas book), he brought his most treasured gifts.

Can we remember to welcome everyone to our table?
Can we recognize Love when it comes wrapped in a thermal bag to keep it warm?
Can receive the gifts of love even when given hesitantly, quietly and perhaps later than we think?
Can we be aware of everyone’s gifts of Love, no matter how they are wrapped or given?

Now it the time to awaken ourselves to everyone’s gifts.
Receive them all as the Love which inspired them.
Loving your gifts of Love to all you remember with Love,
Betty Lue

Caroling on Christmas Day with Betty Lue and Robert.12/25 Sat. Christmas Caroling Pleasant Hill Nursing Homes 1:30-2:30PMMeet at Reunion Center, 3946 Buskirk Ave. at 1:15 PM.
12/25 Sat. Christmas Caroling at Brentwood Nursing Homes 3:15-4:30PM.Meet at Unity Center for Inspired Living, 50 Sand Creek Rd. Brentwood at 3:15 PM.Contact Betty Lue for directions and carpooling. 800-919-2392  All ages welcome
“You need not sing, but share loving kindness”..