Home is where you renew your Spirit.
Home is your safe haven from the busyness of life.
Home is the place you can rest, relax and remember your authentic self.
Home is what everyone needs to recharge and reinvest in living on purpose.
When your home is all this and so much more, you will feel content and happy.
When your living environment truly supports your best self, you will be healthy.
When your home reflects your highest aspirations and the Goodness you are, you will feel nourished.
When your home truly is a gift to you, you will feel blessed to come home everyday.
Oops! What if your home is none of these things?
What if you feel uncomfortable, unsafe and like you don’t belong at home?
Can you imagine how husband, children, pets, friends feel when they come into your home?
It may be time to create a space that truly is a safe haven and healing place for all who live there.
Creating this sacred space for yourself and your family requires three basic things:
1) Clear the clutter.
2) Provide more light.
3) Surround yourself only with what you love.
Clearing the clutter is possibly the most important and difficult.
Rid yourself of anything that has not been useful in the last 6-12 months.
Take it to goodwill, put it in storage or simply throw it away.
Repair everything not in good shape.
Whatever you own, owns a piece of your energy.
When you have unfinished business, incomplete projects, stuff in poor condition or needing repair, we are constantly drained by the unconscious pull on us to do something. Thus, no real rest. And often depression or constant irritation and anxiety.
When you have open space with everything complete, you can truly rest and have peace of mind.
More light reflects and inspires more joy, more opportunity to see with clear vision.
More light is inspiring and uplifting and energizing.
More light allows us to clear the darkness, despair and denial.
More light opens the way to clean up and finish whatever is not seen or unconscious.
Open the curtains, turn on all the lights in the room where you are and see the beauty there.
If there is none, it is time for the third basic.
When you are surrounded by beautiful loving things and memories, you will feel happy and safe.Make sure those with whom you share your home also have their rooms and spaces their way.
Fewer things that are just what inspires you is far better than many things you have to care for.
Remove those items which are sad reminders or for which you have negative or no feelings.
If you are interested in more practical Feng Shui tips, ask me, I will send you a few of my notes from workshops I have taught over the years.
Loving you and wanting all of us to have safe, beautiful and inspiring homes.
Betty Lue
30 Days to Enlightenment and Waking Up
30 Days to Healing and Seeing things Differently!
This exercise has a profound impact on how we see and live our lives.
This daily practice will heal and transform your life
With continued practice, there will be a spiritual awakening.
Forgiveness heals our perception and gives us Response-Ability.
Choice empowers us to Create our Experience Consciously.
Gratitude expands what we Choose and increases our Joy.
Daily Practice:
Begin each morning with a pad of lined paper and a pen.
Write and say 30 forgivenesses as they come to mind.
Simply write “I forgive”…and let the rest just come from within.
(No need to understand or feel anything.)
I forgive you for being mean.
I forgive myself for letting anyone hurt me.
I forgive my body’s limitation.
I forgive myself for being late.
I forgive everything.
Make the sound “AAAH” for 1-2 minutes.
Imagine that you are opening your mind.
Now write and say 30 Choices.
I choose to be happy.
I choose to be free.
I choose to do what I love.
I choose to forgive….
In the Evening (before bed)
Write and say 30 Gratitudes
I appreciate the energy I have.
I love being happy.
I am grateful I have you in my life.
I thank God.
Make the sound “OM” the Universal sound for Love and God for 1-2 minutes.
PS Even a few of each is better than none.
Do what you can and trust it is working.
Loving You always,
Betty Lue