Do you believe in Love?
Do you believe in Santa Claus?
Do you believe in giving?
Do you believe in being happy?
Do you believe in the birth of Jesus?
Do you believe in God?
Do you believe in Goodness?
Do you believe in healing and wholeness?
Do you believe in being positive and affirming?
Do you believe in gratitude?
Do you believe in having faith?
Do you believe in hope?
Do you believe in being inspired?
Do you believe in miracles?
Do you believe in living in integrity?
Do you believe in honesty?
Do you believe in believing in something greater than yourself?
It really doesn’t matter what others believe or don’t believe.
What matters is what you truly believe.
What you believe shows in your everyday life.
What you believe is what you are teaching by your example.
Take time this season to really contemplate and meditate on what you believe in.
Give yourself the opportunity to demonstrate and express your beliefs.
Immerse yourself in a change of mind and heart to support your beliefs.
Honor your inner Self, your Highest Self, by living your beliefs now.
I believe in you.
I believe you make a difference in our world.
I am loving you,
Betty Lue
You are my spiritual partners as we conspire to co-create a better world.
My heart smiles and my spirit rejoices.
Your gifts of love and appreciation inspires me and feed my soul.
Celebrate the gifts we share and grow in abundance and beauty.
Offering all I am given in Love, supports, strengthens and affirms this Love.
I love you, as you live the life you consciously desire.
I am supported and sustained by your kindness and generosity.
May you honor your Holy Self as you walk in Goodness, Beauty and Love.
Loving You,
Betty Lue