What are the best gifts to give and receive?
How do you prefer to give to others?
What is you most appreciated gift to receive?
When do you receive more than you give?
Sometimes we are focused so much on the gift “thing” that we forget the underlying intention.
Sometimes we are expecting something in return and feel hurt when the gift we give is not appreciated.
Sometimes we recognize that our gift is what we value, but may not be what the recipient wants.
Sometimes we simply give out of duty and obligation rather than desire or heartfelt love.
Many years ago I experienced the confusion and insanity of this holiday.
I wanted to make a change from others needing to give to me if I gave something to them.
I wanted to be in integrity with what I feel inside about the act of giving.
I wanted to enjoy the beautiful light-filled magic and love of the season, rather than the commercialization.
So I chose in 1983 to let folks know I preferred to give and receive only love, not things.
I wrote special love notes to everyone, letting them know how much I valued them.
I created Christmas caroling in nursing homes and assisted living homes for small groups.
I opened my home to those who had no place to go for Christmas Dinner and family celebration.
It is thru that throughout the year Robert and I give to our family, friends and community everyday.
We listen both within and without for the needs that folks have as well as the joys that might inspire them.
We contribute over 50% of what we receive to giving to others.
We also recognize that each gift given is given to God and to ourselves.
Our joy is in the giving of time, energy, resources, inspiration, education, retreats and centers.
We love to share our appreciation and respect for those we encounter out in the world.
We value hugs and smiles and meaningful words shared in writing and in speech.
We encourage and support visions, hopes and dreams being actualized.
We celebrate with songs, fellowship, potlucks, drumming, rituals and traditions.
We welcome everyone to join us when we gather, regardless of their ability to contribute (pay).
Everyone is contributing through gratitude, love and participation. We open our hearts and our doors to serve those in need.
Some of the best gifts are not things purchased!
They are memories shared of the beautiful experiences in life.
They are the love exchanged effortlessly when we touch and smile.
They are remembering the Goodness and Delight, even in times of darkness and sorrow.
They are spending quality time with others to let them know how important they are.
They are acts of service that make a difference in someone’s life.
They are words that inspire and affirm and let others know they are valued and loved.
They are sharing trips, vacations, special moments with others.
They are trusting others by sharing in prayer and sacred rituals and traditions.
They are listening with your heart and not your head.
Listen within for what is the best gift of love you can give to each one you know this year.
It may be surprising how short your list to purchase things for others!
Loving you and always remembering,
Betty Lue
Life is for giving.
You are the Gift.
It is in giving the Gift of Your Self
That you remember the Gift You are.