Observation: Notice what works and feels true, right and good to you.
Experience: Notice what supports you feeling whole and happy and free.
Consequences: Notice what occurs naturally afterwards-inner peace, well-being, fulfilled.There is no teacher like life itself.
Be present, in the Now, with no clouds of judgment, fatigue, fear or drugs to distort your awareness.
Pay attention to reactions for mind, body and inner voice for feedback.
Notice how you feel about your choices afterwards, even days later.
Tell yourself the truth without covering or distortion.
Be real about what you are choosing to see what really works for you.
Take everything into consideration, including others needs and fiscal and environmental considerations.
Be aware that we are all a part of everything and so we have responsibility to do no harm.
Some questions to consider:
Are my choices teaching others healthy values?
Are my choices doing harm to anyone or anything?
Are my choices supporting my life purpose, mission and my goals?
Am I living what I truly value or covering my lack of integrity with distraction?
We teach by our example, with everything we think and say and do.
What is best for us must be good for others or it will not be Good for us.
When we are truly supporting our highest and best self with how we use our time, energy and resources, we are choosing what is best.
When we live consciously, we are not distracted by temporary pleasures, expenditures, addictions or habits.
There is some element of lingering guilt, regret and shame when we are not living our best.
When we are setting aside our highest values and choosing less than the best, we lose self worth.
When we are living a lie by teaching something and ignoring our teaching, we are out of integrity.
When we are not giving ourselves and others the best we have, we feel unhappy and unfulfilled.
To choose to live at our best everyday is inspiring to ourselves as well as to others.
To choose the high way provides freedom of choice, clarity of vision and abundance of joy.
To give ourselves the best high octane fuel for life sustains a lifestyle that enhances everyone.
To inspire ourselves daily with how we live and love and give invites vitality, enthusiasm and fulfillment.
Stop and look at your choices:What thoughts do you engage in thinking?
What food do you put in your body?
What words to you speak to yourself and to others?
What actions to you take on a daily basis?
Are you wasting time, money or energy on useless, negative or destructive things?
Are you engaging in relationships, work and recreation, or creations that are helpful and enhancing?
Are you primarily focused on what works and quickly releasing thoughts that fatigue you?
You are the chooser.
Be wise in choosing what is good for you.
What is Good for you is Good for others.
Loving you,
Betty Lue
Ten Keys to Health & Vitality
NUTRITIONIngest the best and forget the rest. Take into your body, mind and spirit only that which supports, sustains and inspires the BEST in you.
MOVEMENTLife is flow. To move with the flow is healthy. To resist is stressful. Move with the natural inner movement physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, etc.
BREATHTo breathe in (inhale) fully life energy, Spirit, Prana, inspiration, is to expand our awareness to open to an enlightened mind. To exhale fully is to truly release what is no longer needed.
TOUCHReaching out with Love and respect for each other opens our bodies and beings to trust in the gentleness we all deserve to experience.
THOUGHTChoose for those thoughts which heal and free you to be unlimited in health and wholeness. Forgive (erase) the beliefs which are limiting or false.
ATTITUDECarry with you an attitude of gratitude and love for yourself and others. Allow yourself to see all things work together for good.
BALANCEModeration in all things will bring your life into harmony. As we give ourselves what is really best for us, the extremes are gently released.
HEALTHWhat you perceive in others and the world you strengthen in your Self. Focus on illness, disease and weakness and you actually weaken yourself. See only health and wholeness and you move yourself in the direction you are looking.
PURITYTo clear out toxins and purify the system requires a willingness to eliminate toxic thoughts, activities, relationships as well as foods from your system. Flushing the system clean is aided with water, fresh air, gentle movement and forgiveness.
RESTTo rest and relax your mind and body are invaluable to being refreshed and revitalized. Each person has unique methods of relaxation - meditation, music, being in nature, focused simple activity.