Know where you are going.To have a destination provides a north star.
When the destination is worldly, you will be limited by the world of form and function.
When the destination is spiritual, you will be lifted into an expansive view of infinite possibility.
Know where you are.To achieve your destination, your compass must lead from where you are to where you are going.
When we neglect to be honest about our current state, (lost, confused, limited, etc.), we are misguided.
Each individual is where he is not by chance, but by choice>
When we recognize our responsibility in where we are, we can quickly and easily choose again.
Know who to ask for directions.Be aware that others will respond to your request for help from their own position.
No one can truly understand how to direct you except from their own place of awareness.
When requesting help, ask within for the one most able to walk with you for a while.
Choose the most enjoyable route.Some like adventure.
Some prefer mystery.
Some look for comfort.
Choose the path that offers the qualities of life you will most enjoy.
Life is our learning laboratory.
It sometimes offers challenges and obstacles.
It sometimes provides entertainment and pleasures.
You can make your life be whatever you prefer simply by choosing consciously your perspective.
Since I prefer to be happy, I have chosen fun, safe and easy living.
When it does not appear to be the way I have chosen, I simply change my mind.
To forgive any mistakes quickly and easily gives me plenty of opportunity to learn.
When I am a happy and willing learner, my path is fun, safe and easy.
Extra tips to consider:Stop complaining.It leads nowhere except to feel bad and get you more stuck.
Stop worrying.It limits your ability to enjoy and learn from life.
Stop judging.It closes your mind to seeing the Good in what is before you.
Stop comparing.It blinds you to the perfection of your own life’s journey.
I am loving you with trust and freedom in our own unique Life’s sacred journey.
Betty Lue