Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Stop complaining!

Complaining is disempowering.
Complaining is unbecoming.
Complaining is a waste of time.
Complaining interferes with positive action.

Quit criticizing!
Criticizing defeats your purpose.
Criticizing weakens yourself and others.
Criticizing creates negative energy.
Criticizing is more about you than the other.

Cease worrying!
Worrying generates more worries.
Worrying decreases creative flow.
Worrying is not healthful for mind or body.
Worrying connotes fear not love.

Eliminate comparison!
Comparison denies our unique paths.
Comparison implies we should be better than others.
Comparison hurts and hinders everyone.
Comparison emphasizes external referral.

Appreciate what is.
Enjoy what you have.
Trust all is well.
Know all are doing the best they know.

When we can truly give up the habits of complaint, criticism, worry and comparison, we are free to live.
When we relinquish the need to be negative, we return to our natural state of happiness and peace.
When we forgive ourselves for our unconsciousness, we can love consistently and consciously.
When we choose the high way of living, we experience a fun, safe and easy life of joy and love.

So be it.
And enjoy who you are!
Betty Lue