Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Let It Be

Are you letting yourself be upset by small stuff?
Do you nitpick and judge everything?
Are you tending to mind others’ business while leaving your own a mess?
Are you constantly worrying or analyzing others’ behavior?

Imagine how much energy you expend each day focused away from yourself.
How could you use all that time and energy for Goodness?
Is it possible it is a way of avoiding what is your own “work”?
Can you be totally response-able for your own life?

Let it be.Stop trying to control, modify, change or correct others’ life learning.
Stop interfering, judging, figuring out or therapizing others choices.
Learn to step away and trust.
Learn to let go and allow others to have their own experiences.

What we focus on increases.
When we focus on other’s clumsiness, it may well increase.
When we focus on another’s mistakes, they may make more of them in our presence.
When we focus on our own ignorance, we may find ourselves acting out our beliefs.

Focus on what you can do.
Focus on what does work.
Focus on the good that already is.
Focus on loving rather than worrying, fretting, fearing and being anxious.

Focus on the gift of life.
Focus on the opportunities to choose.
Focus on the experiences of growth and healing.
Focus on the goodness that is in your heart.

Focus on the matters at hand.
Focus on the one who is right there with you.
Focus on being honest, kind and supportive.
Focus on giving confidence, trust and encouragement.

When you let go of the negative, you will remember how good it feels to be positive.
When you let go of worry, you will feel relieved to be able to trust.
When you let go of trying to fix, correct and change, you will notice how much you appreciate.
When you let go of ineffective habits, you will feel the freedom of exploring effective possibilities.

Let go.
Stop and simply see what is.
Let go and trust that Good that is in us all.
Let go and Love.

Loving you, 

Betty Lue