Thursday, June 03, 2010

What is Evil?

Speak No Evil.
See No Evil.
Do No Evil.

What is Evil?
E/V/I/L is LIVE spelled backwards.
“Evil” is anything that is anti “Life”
So when we oppose life, joy, creation, Love and what is Good, we are stepping away from Life.

How does this work?
To say negative and condemning things to anyone or about anyone shuts down your flow of life energy.
To see, imagine, visualize and observe hurtful, violent, negative damaging stuff, attacks you the observer.
To do bad, negative harmful deeds against Life in any form, does harm to you and your psyche.

Usually what we feel is fear of being attacked in retribution for the attack on life we perpetrated.
It hurts us to hurt others.
When we attack with out judgments, we are attacking ourselves with the fear of being attacked.
When we say, do or imagine awful stuff, we create a place in our minds of fearing it will happen to us.

Speak only Good.
“If you can’t say anything Good, don’t say anything at all.”
See only Good.
What you look for, you will find.  Seek out good people, movies, ideas, and let go of the rest.
Do only Good.
Ask your heart, the Love in you, how you are to act, treat people and live your life.

When we live, love and serve only the Highest Good, Goodness is ours no matter what happens in the world.
It is strengthening and empowering to have the courage to bring goodness to every situation without faltering under the pressure to be resentful, hurt or seek vengeance.
To truly forgive and live free of condemnation of anyone or anything lifts us out of the duality of this world.
Consider what works.
Consider how to stay happy and free.
Consider how to be the One who brings healing.
Consider giving yourself the best possible life of loving, learning and letting go.

Loving you, 

Betty Lue