Are you a victim of your habits?
Do you realize anger, depression, worry, and even ill health may be a habit of mind and body?
Would you be willing to change the direction of your life by changing your habits?
Are you willing to be aware, forgiving and able to choose again?
When in confusion, conflict, stress, we may unconsciously opt for the comfort of a bad habit.
We allow our habits to take over, when we don’t want to make conscious and responsible choices.
We let the familiar lead us into whatever we were used to as children or where we find comfort.
We tend to get lazy in life and let our mind trick us into habitual feelings, activities or words that often hurt more than help.
Familiar habits….?
When upset, get angry.
When afraid, focus on worry.
When insecure, act depressed.
When reluctant, get sick or have a problem.
What we saw in our family of origin, we tend to repeat.
What worked as children, we use as our fallback position.
What seems to get us out of confusion, we develop as our habit of mind, emotion and body.
When we take responsibility, we can step away from the familiar and comfortable and choose better.
Rise up out of the lethargy.
Lift yourself out of what is comfortable.
Stop doing what is familiar and choose a new way.
Give yourself the energy and inspiration to find a better way.
Habits of eating, drinking, popping a pill or going to bed are easy and always available.
However they lead nowhere and disempower us.
Overtime, we believe we are powerless over our lives, our habits and our choices.
We can be and make a difference in our own lives.
The minute we feel ourselves falling in an old way, do something novel.
When we are lost in fear, focus on what you can love and appreciate right now.
When feeling frustrated, impatient or angry, take a time out (bathroom) and ask “What do I need now?”
Wherever you are, whatever you are doing ‘rise up’ and choose again for something better.
Interrupt the familiar and toxic patterns in your life.
Stop hurting yourself and those you love.
Get back on purpose living your values and ethics.
Forgive immediately any unconsciousness or spiritual laziness.
Undo the mental tapes of the past negativity, worry and disrespect.
Stay away from thoughts, feelings, behaviors and people that deplete and defeat you.
Fill your life with good and inspiring role models.
Listen to works of appreciation and loving wisdom.
Create opportunities to give your very best to everyone you encounter.
Stay conscious and consistent and committed to give yourself the very best each moment.
Honor the one you are and take care of your True and authentic Self first.
Be unafraid to be different, and recognize that your uniqueness is your gift to the world.
Constantly seek better ways to love you and support you and live being happy and fulfilled.
You can change your habits of mind, body and create your own inspiring life,
Loving you,
Betty Lue