It seems some teachings are inclined to create less responsibility and more excuses.
It seems some philosophies let people off the hook to care for themselves better.
It seems some children and immature adults believe it is desireable to allow others to clean up after them.
It seems even spiritual people want to leave it up to an external source or God.
Are you willing to be responsible for your life with no excuses?
Are you willing to be responsible for eating right and getting enough sleep?
Are you willing to be responsible for living within your means with no indebtedness?
Are you willing to get off the couch and teach by example for your children?
This means paying your bills and your taxes on time.
This means buying only those items which benefit your family, yourself and your world.
This means creating a lifestyle which supports optimum health, mentally, physically and spiritually.
This means having enough energy to clean up your home, workplace, car and still playing with your kids.
Are you willing to be responsible for your happiness?
Are you willing to let go of your mistakes and others?
Are you willing to bring a smile to the face of strangers?
Are you willing to contribute a little joy and gratitude wherever you go?
This means that you no longer dump your pain, fatigue or anger on your family.
This means that you stop expecting others to do what you are not doing.
This means that you give more than anyone else at home and work without complaining.
This means that you really appreciate the great job your are doing in all parts of your life.
Are you willing to be responsible for your environment?
Are you willing to create beauty and harmony and goodness everywhere you go?
Are you willing to stop letting things be broken, dirty or collecting dust?
Are you willing to be the one who demonstrates being helpful and kind?
This means that you will pick up trash, recycle consistently and conserve natural resources.
This means that you will plant flowers, share inspiring stories and treat everyone respectfully.
This means that you will fix, give away, clean and use stuff that is valuable to you.
This means that you will go out of your way to be of service to others everyday.
Are you willing to bring peace to your world?
Are you willing to be openly loving and appreciative?
Are you willing to listen to understand before speaking?
Are you willing to give to others purely for the sake of giving?
This means you will maintain your inner peace.
This means you will genuinely look for opportunities to express you gratitude.
This means that you will seek to understand others without needing to talk back.
This means that you will seek out opportunities to volunteer because you love to be helpful.
Life is what we create it to be for us.
To be responsible is to be free to love, serve and remember the Good within ourselves.
Enjoy you life by taking responsibility fully.
Loving you,
Betty Lue