When your mind is thinking thoughts that are not entertaining or inspiring, change the channel.
When you have feelings that cause your worry, upset or anger, change the internal music.
When your body is showing signs of wear and tear, pain and upset, change your program.
Hang up and redial your mind, emotions and physiology to tune into what is beneficial.
Believe it or not!
You have thoughts, but you are not your thoughts.
You have feelings, but you are not your feelings.
You have a body, but you are not your body.
You have the controls.
Stop sleeping and get up off the couch and change the channel.
Get some motivation to be the one who chooses how you think and feel and act.
Stop allowing the externals to control you and use your own power to make positive choices.
Yes, it requires effort and energy.
Yes, you must work to get your mind and emotions to stay on the channels you choose.
Yes, often our systems have been neglected and need to be trained or retrained to obey our choices.
Yes, you can choose inspiring or stressful thoughts.
Yes, you can choose happy or depressing feelings.
Yes, you can focus on the flaws or on the miraculous functioning of your body.
Remember everything works more efficiently and effectively when you are at the helm.
All parts of you function more harmoniously when working together for the goal you choose.
Your world of relationships, career and finances are more successful when you are in alignment.
Your home, workplace, vehicle and travel flows with your internal integrity.
When we are conflicted, resistant, resentful or fearful, we interfere with the natural flow of energy.
When we lose our way and forget what is best, we must stop and rest to find ourselves again.
When we have regrets, incompletions, failures and avoidances, we slow our progress.
When we feel like losers with guilt and blame, shame and unnamed sorrow, we bleed energy.
Life is meant to be lived fully and freely, with abundant gratitude and joy for all things.
When we are living with limitation and caution, we may have lots of despair and unhappiness.
When we are in trouble emotionally, mentally or physically, we tend to aim our blame on others.
When we lose our support with our criticism and complaining, we flounder in self pity.
Change the channel.
Change your mind.
Change your emotions.
Change your physiology.
You can do it, because it is the only thing that works!
Loving us all with freedom and trust. (when you experiment you will see what works for you!)
Betty Lue