Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Responses to "Responsibility"

Responses to a reader re: yesterday’s “Responsibilities” Loving Reminders (These may have been thoughts, questions or challenges as well.
Everyone and everything is a part of me, therefore I appreciate and receive your challenges with love.)

Remember I am writing these reminders for myself by listening within each morning to my inner voice or higher Self or Spirit within. If they resonate with you, use them for good.  If not let them go or delete.
See the origin of Loving Reminders below!

Are we not human? 
Yes, we are Spiritual Beings having a human experience.
We are God Beings or Godlettes, here to realize are Godness and our Goodness.
Don't we have limitations? Our physical body appears to be limited, but there are many who use their mental powers to overcome the seeming limitations, so I am not so sure. Experimenting with that.
Do we have to impose perfectionism on ourselves? We were created perfectly by a perfect creator to play our part perfectly.  Apparent mistakes and imperfections as part of our Perfection.  Perfection is not comparative. Perfection is the state of recognizing the value of what is as it is.
Can we allow ourselves to make mistakes
? It is most helpful to learn from making mistakes.  The error or mistake we make is in judging our mistakes and keeping them in place by trying to figure out how to never make them again. This world is an experimental laboratory.  Learning easily and healing our judgments is a major value of being in a body.

Who can consistently do all these things?
Who can be positive and responsible all the time, 24/7?
These are great ideals to strive toward, but as human beings, aren't we setting ourselves up for failure if we expect to be 100% perfect in meeting these perfectionistic ideals?
We are each choosing to improve ourselves and our lives or destroying our selves and our lives or seeking a comfortable place to rest, neither bettering ourselves nor decaying.  The state of our civilization right now is in decay. It would be easier to simply let go and allow the rest to follow. Obesity and health issues, laziness and lethargy, personal and political apathy, toxicity of environment, financial crises, unemployment….all of these are indicators.  They are meant to be wakeup calls, because it is never too late to forgive the past and choose again.  The work is to do the work.  The work is to stay conscious.  The work is to love enough that we are willing to do our part for the sake of the whole of humanity.  There are mistakes (failures that offer the opportunity to learn a better way.)  I am happy for taking the risk and making mistakes I learn from daily.  I am growing, healing and realizing all that I am here to be and contribute.
Are you perfect? I am perfect in the eyes of my Self.  I am imperfect and no body is perfect in the eyes of the ego. EGO=Edging God Out  I see you as perfect too!
Do you not need time for yourself?
My life is a more impersonal life than most. I am here with a global focus on serving the Greater Good. Since I am an essential part of the Good I serve, I see myself as always serving the little human me as well as expanding the Higher Self I AM.
 Are you 100% selfless?
The value of having a personality, a body and an ego which I see as the little self to which you refer is that I am learning, healing, growing, exploring and experimenting. I am curious and happy kid who loves giving and helping and seeing how I can help others be happy too! 
Much of your preaching is inspiring, however, sometimes (in my opinion), you are setting the bar to unobtainable heights that I negatively judge myself for, when I can't live up to it. If I feel this way, I'm sure others do. I need to forgive myself for not being perfect. I need to stop beating myself up for falling short of the perfection bar. I need to acknowledge my shortcomings, not as an excuse, but as my human limitation. I will never be perfect no matter how hard I try. I make mistakes, and sometimes I need to take care of myself by saying no to others needs, and not being available all the time. Sometimes I inadvertently hurt others, although not on purpose. All I can do is apologize and make amends when possible. I can't always live up to your perfectionistic preaching. Can you?
You give Betty Lue too much credit.  I am not preaching.  I am reminding myself of what I am learning, remembering, offering in the work and play in which I engage everyday.  I love my life and I love my work.  It is essential for me that I listen within on a daily basis, so that I stay in love with a fun, safe and easy life.  Everything you do, I do.  The only difference may be that I forgive and move on quickly.  I learn easily because I do not judge my mistakes.  I celebrate my seeming mistakes, because they teach and remind me.  I am filled with gratitude that you are listening and responding.  I celebrate your life and mine and how we were called to connect.  I honor all your choices, your timing, your life path, your philosophy and You. May we both enjoy the life journey and see it sacred and valuable and easily change it when it is not on purpose for us.  I thank you for questioning because you are listening.

And to all those reading this reminder, please know I am listening and writing only what I hear.  I do not edit or change it to conform or try to get your approval.  This is part of my journey which I freely share with you.

Loving you,  

Betty Lue

Origin of Inner Listening
In 1976 it was suggested I sit and do nothing for just five minutes daily by a spiritual mentor/teacher.  I chose 5AM in the morning and immediately saw/felt and heard a vision of a Home of Infinite Love available to all people.  Over the years,  I have co-created many such Centers and Homes with the guidance of Spirit within. The next morning I brought a pad of paper and a pen to sit, and as I was simply breathing, I knew words were coming into my mind and I wrote them down.  When I later read them, I saw they had great spiritual meaning.  As an innocent, trusting and ‘True Believer’, I then quieted myself every morning and began to follow what I heard within.  My life became fun, safe, easy and miraculous in so many ways.  I learned, forgave and grew spiritually daily from every relationships.  This is was the origin of what I call “inner listening” and have taught to hundreds of willing learners over the last 30 years.
The Origin of emailed Loving RemindersIn the winter of 1998, having just moved back to the Bay Area in California, I asked Spirit within what was my purpose and calling.  I was invited to sit at the computer and write down my daily inner listening and send it to those who requested it of me.  Since Dec, 1998 I have  sat at my keyboard, everyday to write exactly what Spirit within guides.  I do not edit, correct spelling and embellish what I hear.  I simply send what is given to me to share with the now thousands around the world.
This is my inner listening given to all who choose to receive them.  Often it gives people what they need, practical spiritual and inspiring reminders, so they need not spend money on  hours of therapy or endless seeking for spiritual answers.  They seem to awaken and remind individuals who are willing and ready to change their lives for the Good of All.  I also have put many of the reminders into three little books, Loving Reminders, Peaceful Reminders and Relationship Reminders.  There are two other books waiting to be published, Healing and Healthy Reminders.  It is my joy to contribute to the healing and awakening of my spiritual family, all humanity.

May be all be benefited and blessed by every good and kind intention of everyone everywhere.
Blessed be. Betty Lue  “True B’Lue”

Remember: The blessings already are and we are now awakening to enjoy them.

What Are these Loving Reminders?
A handful of people are new to receiving these daily or weekly loving reminders from me.
I send them directly to over one thousand people and many more from your referrals.
I have been writing and sending Loving Reminders for over 11 years everyday I am at home.
They are valuable for me to receive and share and valuable for others who receive them as reminders.
When something resonates with you, you feel its truth in your heart.When you are reminded of what you know deep inside, you appreciate and find value.When you are touched with inspiration, you feel grateful and can choose to practice.
This is my reason for listening within and sharing the inner guidance I receive each day.
After counseling and coaching thousands of individuals, couples and families, I know the need.After teaching, mentoring and facilitating hundreds of people for the last 35 years, I hear the call.After listening and letting Spirit within guide my life for most of my life, I feel the importance.And this is my way of responding to all of us for the Highest Good and finding a better way.
These reminders are intended to be practical; they are meant to be used everyday.
These reminders are intended to be inspirational; they are meant to move you into action.
These reminders are intended to be spiritual; they are meant to call you to return to what is meaningful.
These reminders are intended to be healing; they give insight, freedom to choose/change and peace.

For many, there is limited time and money, so these reminders offer help when you have need.
For some, there is hesitation in asking for help, so these reminders are an anonymous way to learn.
For others, there is denial of needing anything, and the reminders simply reawaken what is known.
For me, these reminders are a powerful way to connect, to touch you with my love for us all.
Yes, I Love You.I love you when you are happy or sad, right or wrong, awakening or sleeping on the job.
I love you when you don’t love yourself or forget you are loveable and capable just as you are.
I love you when you are willing to do the work and when you get lazy and quit on yourself.

I am your Loving Reminder.We can call it a Calling or Holy Assignment or just what I am here to do.
My intention is to facilitate all of us in playing our Part and living our potential in being all we can be.Said in a thousand ways or no way at all…your healing and success and joy are a blessing for me.
So why would I sit at my computer every morning as my spiritual practice and joy…….??
Because of all this above and so much more.
You and I are One..More than you can know, we are connected in Love.
Ask me your questions.
Give me your comments.
Share with me your gratitude.
And always know I am with you in Love.
Betty Lue