You cannot compare your life with anyone else, because your Soul, Higher Self and Essence has called you to your own unique spiritual journey. All of us universally are recognizing and clearing the blocks to unlimited and Universal Love.
We each remember this Essential Love in our own timing, our unique relationships and individual process.
Some of us remember within our childhood family system
Some remember within relationship with a primary partner.
Some become aware through our spiritual relationship with the Unlimited Creator.
Some wake up through connections with the Earth, nature and all living creatures.
Some are healed through the teachings and gifts of their children.
Some achieve enlightenment through tragedy and some through miracles.
Some of us need to be alone to find God and some find God in relationship.
All of us are unique. Your life is yours to respect, cherish and embrace fully.
As I reviewed the photos of yesterday with all three granddaughters, Gia and the twins, Harper and Lila, I was moved with the profound love and gratitude I feel for how much they are loved and cherished for simply being.
Their love and inner peace radiates to those who come into their lives.
They naturally love everyone without judging the blood relationships, the ethnicity, the education, the financial status or external value.
In our natural state we extend love to everyone.
In our natural state we openly receive all the love that is given.
In our natural state we trust all is well.
In our natural state we are forgiving and forgetting hurts and momentary fears.
In our natural state we heal thoughts, feelings and words and return to love.
As tears of gratitude and joy fell watching and re-experiencing the feelings I have, I am aware that these children of the Most High represent all the children of the Earth. I am privileged to know and love thousands of children, some in adult bodies and some still growing.
It continues to be my greatest source of fulfillment to watch people open to love themselves and love one another.
I am filled with joyous reverence and sweet gratitude when we remember to Love.
May your life be filled with remembering Love.
You are deeply and profoundly loved……No matter how much the world may forget and fear Loving.
You are precious and provided for……..Far beyond your wildest imagination and what appears to be.
You are gift to me and the whole Universe….No matter how small or simple your life may seem to you.
I am loving you always,
Betty Lue