Two girls will be born today, April 27, 2005, to my daughter, Hilarie, and son-in law, Erik.
They are children of God, daughters of Goodness.
They are children of Love, spirit-filled sisters.
They are beautiful Beings of Goodness and DeLight.
They are created as Love, by Love ItSelf, for the holy purpose of Loving.
They are created to create Goodness and Beauty and wholeness.
They are created to create in their own likeness, from their Essence.
They represent all the children of the Earth.
They are coming here to bring the Love and Goodness from whence they have come.
They come into a world of forgetting.
They will be invited to remember by those who remember.
It is a gift we can bring to all children to remember their innocence, their "inner Essence".
They come into a world of fear.
It is our sacred duty to provide them with a world of Love.
They come into a world of seriousness.
It must be our commitment to provide them Lightness and pure joy.
They come into a world of conflict and war.
It is our spiritual calling to offer them a world of forgiveness and peace.
We are all responsible for All children.
We must be respectful of All children.
We must be cooperative to nurture, educate and encourage All children.
We must remind our children of their Magnificence as we remember our own.
We must contribute our best wisdom and Love to All children.
We must give positive and supportive feedback to All children.
This must be our commitment to those we invite into our hearts, our homes and our lives.
We can feed our children with nutritional food for their souls or with junk food and empty promises.
We can fill their minds with unlimited visions or teach them fearful beliefs and limiting lies.
We can speak with them of the mysteries of the Universe or focus on making money.
We can show them the wonders of life or feed them the pain and suffering of humanity.
We can demonstrate life is a struggle or live life with gratitude and expectancy.
We can endarken or enlighten.
We can deflate or empower.
We can diminish or exalt.
We can frighten or awaken.
We can withhold and manipulate or Give All Love and invite.
We can give All to the Source of All Good for the purpose of Good for All.
Each new child is another opportunity to remember the unlimited Source of All Good.
Each baby born is a call to remember to live our highest principles and teach our values.
Each infant showing up in our lives is a sacred invitation to give our very best.
Each holy birth is the coming of Enlightened Consciousness to be nurtured into full realization.
Remembering this is who we all are. This is the reason we came.
We are here to remember and remind, when others have forgotten.
Always remembering,
Betty Lue