Wednesday, February 23, 2005

What Is My Work?

I work for the Good of All.
My boss is the One who sent me.
I came to serve from my heart to love all equally.
My work is a spiritual playground of creative possibilities.
I fully enjoy the work I am given.
My work is also my play.

I work through writing these Loving Reminders.
I work through coaching and counseling.
I work through creating and facilitating classes, workshops and more.
I work through caring for those who come into my family and my life.
I work through listening and following the inner Voice of my heart.
I work through my affirmative prayer and visualization.
I work for the glory of spiritual living and abundant giving.

I stay full when I give freely.
I overflow with joy, when I give without limitation.
I am inspired as I inspire.
I am blessed as I share blessings.
So it is my life is abundant.

When I withhold even a drop of what is mine to share, I withhold from myself.
When I limit the Good I give, I am limiting for all humanity.
When I think thoughts of lack, “I don’t have enough.” I teach falsely, reinforcing mistaken beliefs.
When I believe I am limited, I limit my Self and my gifts.
When I belittle Who I Am and the purpose for my Being, I diminish the Gifts of God I have been given.

Did you know?
I am sole financial provider for our household.
My spiritual partner and husband is on a disability sabbatical, recreating his life from inside out.
I spend 20 hours/week on computer writing Loving Reminders and offering email love and support.
I offer coaching and counseling in my office, on the phone, in homes and businesses. 10-15hrs/wk.
I facilitate groups and workshops about 5 hrs/wk.
I am with Gia in the early AM and in her classroom about 20-25 hrs/week.
Robert and I have quiet time in the evenings about 15 hours/week.
I take care of my home, do errands and groceries and prepare simple meals 15 hrs/wk.
I take time for spiritual practice, exercise and personal growth about 10 hours/week.
Everything I do, I do for God and the Good of All.

Everything is equally important.
The peace, order and beauty of my home sanctuary,
The kindness and support in my marriage,
The generosity of Spirit given to those who are sent to me (family, friends and those unknown to me)
The nutrition and loving preparation of the foods we eat,
The purity of wisdom and love I offer verbally and in writing,
The efficiency and organization of my business and finances,
My inner work of forgiveness of the world I see and fidelity to the Good in All,
The gratitude and joy I give and receive for living fully and freely.
Everything matters.
My prayer is that you allow your whole life to matter to you, because…
You matter to me and to the whole of humanity.

Loving you with a heart that is True B’Lue

Call me #800-919-2392 or email for more information…
Whole Life Coaching and Counseling on phone or in person.
Spiritualizing Your Life in Kalamazoo Sat. March 12.
True Prosperity in Hammond, IN Sunday March 13
Spiritual Wisdom Circles in Walnut Creek and Santa Rosa, CA monthly.
Hawaii Spiritual Retreat “Living with Joy” September 24-28 on Kona.

** I highly Recommend Heartmath Solutions Workshop –Robert and I will be attending.
Saturday, Feb 26 9-4:30PM with Rev. David Mc Arthur of Unity Center of Walnut Creek, Contribution