Sunday, January 02, 2005

Wish You Were Here

As we gathered in our home for our annual New Year’s workshop, I remembered the many communities in which we have lived and shared.
I smiled at Friday Family Fun Nights and potlucks from the 1970’s. I blessed past gatherings in Bloomington, IN (1993), Asheville, NC (1987), Bozeman MT (1988)and Kalamazoo, MI(1994-98). I reminisced about coming together with safety and respect, gratitude and celebration. There are so many with whom I have had the privilege of sharing my home, my hearth and my heart…all for the Love of God.

I am so very grateful for each gathering, each dear spiritual friend, each opportunity to remember and rekindle the flame of Spirit.
I value the present all the more because I have known you and loved you and joined with you for a moment of recognition of the Light within.
The Love we share with one another lifts us up.
The Light we shine awakens our spirits.
The Joy we give reminds us of what is possible.
The Peace we bring stills the busy mind.

I want to share with you, so that you too cab enjoy the safety, respect and willingness to give which we offered to one another and our world. While we missed you, your Spirit has no boundaries of time or space, so you too can be present with us now. My this New Year bring you unlimited opportunities to experience the safety, respect and willingness to learn and teach, give and receive freely to one another for the Love of God. What I offer you is a gift to myself.
Loving you,
Betty Lue

Your New Year 2005 Dance Card

“We are all dancing through life together.
There are no accidents. We are here in this holy place on purpose.
Our responsibility is to keep the dance safe and respectful for all.”

We are each being invited to wakeup and be aware, to show up and share our Best.
Life is for giving and You are the gift.
Share the glorious Gift You Are with love, appreciation and open-mindedness.

Know you make a difference here and everywhere.
Your thoughts are transmitted and remind All.
Your words are heard and teach All.
Your activities are seen and believed by All.
You are a living loving reminder for Every One everywhere.
Be conscious, respectful and responsible, as you choose wisely.

Letting Go
“To empty ourselves opens the way to envision and create a new beginning.”
Write down what you are willing to forgive, bless and release from the past.
Place the paper in the fire. Exhale the old and breathe in the new.

“We create with vision, faith and passion, as we commit to contribute and value what is being given. This is our co-creative intention. “
Remember life is for giving and you are both the giver and the gift.

What do you intend to give to Your Self this new year 2005?

What do you intend to give to your significant relationships this year 2005?

What do you intend to give to planet Earth and your global family this year 2005?

Meditation with Singing Crystal Bowls

Be still and know.
Open your mind to the precious Present.
Herein lie the messages of God, the good that is yours to share for the Good of All.

Leave Your Mark
Write a blessing, your sacred graffiti, on the wall in our hall closet.
Write a blessing on everyone’s New Year’s Dance Cards.
Leave a gift or blessing you wish for them in this coming year.
Remember All you give is given to yourself.

Festive Food Feasting
Come into the kitchen and help yourself.
Choose what is best for you with full appreciation and your blessing.

Gift Exchange
All gifts are symbolic of the energy of the giver.
Where there is Love, there Love is given in all forms and no form.
Allow yourself to both give and receive the Love and Joy You Are.
Feel free to take a gift from the wrapped presents or take a gift from someone else.
Know everything is gift, both giving and receiving when seen rightly.

Honoring You and Your Holiness: Gifts from Us
Tao of Robert
Read aloud to the group.
Personal Affirmation Card
Use Affirmations to remind you of what you choose to be True for you.

Honorable Closure
To experience completion and no regrets, share fully with those you are called to.
Share your blessing of appreciation and love, before you leave.

We are blessed and honored by your presence in our home.
Thank you for All You Are.

May this year bring opportunities to contribute for the Good of All.
And remember it is in giving that you receive, so give your best.

Thank you for joining me on this spiritual journey.
Thank you for receiving my gifts with respect and gratitude.
Thank You for supporting us all with your prayers and your contribution.
Thank you for your love and for giving your positive energy to what you value.
Thank you for knowing that we are all in this together...
Thank you for healing, transforming and co-creating our experience of this world.
Thank you for enjoying what is given with joyful appreciation for the Good of all.

I appreciate YOU!
Betty Lue