Thursday, December 16, 2004

True Communication

True communication is the unifying power of connecting, with or without words.
True communication is realizing and valuing the unity of all life.
True communion is reached when we know we are giving to ourselves and speaking to ourselves, all as One.
As we listen to our communication, we realize that words of appreciation or criticism are given and received by ourselves first.

Listen to what you are saying with your thoughts, words and deeds.
Listen to what you are feeling as you communicate.
Listen to how your stories feel to your heart and mind.
Listen to your body’s energy as you share your sadness or share your joy.

Communication is an obvious way to discover whether you are sowing seeds of kindness and mercy.
Your words tell you whether you are giving the love, respect and affirmation you want for yourself.
Your mental images teach you what thoughts are healing and which ones are destructive.
Your judgments condemn you and dam up your natural creative and healing energy flow.

What we communicate impacts us more than we are aware.
How we communicate speaks volumes about what we feel.
When we communicate tells us where we are blocking love.
We are blessed or cursed by our own thoughts, words and actions.
To whom we communicate gives us a picture of where we seek to contribute.

“In the beginning was the Word.”
Words create. Thoughts create. Actions create.
Our responsibility to ourselves is to use our words, thoughts and deeds to create Goodness for all.
Our responsibility is to clean up our errant communication.
Our responsibility is to give what we want to receive.
Our responsibility is to teach what we choose to learn.
Our responsibility is to imagine the best for all.
Our responsibility is to undo what we no longer want to be true.
Our responsibility is to heal our attitudes and contribute what is healing.
Our responsibility is to forgive and flush what is done and can not harm us.
Our responsibility is to bury the past and build positive relationships.
Our responsibility is to create goodness and wholeness and beauty.
Our responsibility is to lead those around us by example and by our words.
Our responsibility is to be happy and willing to contribute to a better world for everyone.

Today is a great day to begin.
Let us teach what we seek to learn.
Let us give what we want to receive
Let us remember what we want to be remembered about us.
Let us contribute our best to build the best in our world.

Within you is the beginning of everything whole and true and loving.
Betty Lue

This year Your contributions will publish three more little books of Reminders, Healing Reminders and Healthy Reminders by February 1
and Values Reminders by July 1. I am soooo grateful for every bit of help, for the costs exceed $5000 for all three. Bless you!!!
And answer your question, the book sales do not make a profit. Many are given and shared with those who cannot pay.