When feeling needy and dependent, what can you do?
When feeling afraid and alone, what can you do?
When believing you are in trouble, what can you do?
When doubting your strength, courage and wisdom, what can you do?
When you seem lost and confused, what can you do?
When money seems limited, what can you do?
Problems are problems, because we “believe” they are problems.
Life seems difficult and dangerous, because we “believe” it is.
We are needy, because we have not learned to take responsibility for our lives.
Resourcefulness is learned, just as dependency can be unlearned.
Problems can be perceived as simply obstacles to be flowed around or challenges to be overcome.
I noticed the other day that I rarely perceive any problems in my life.
I simply turn away from closed doors and move through the open doors.
I look for where I am wanted rather than where I am not wanted.
I choose to be with people who say ”Yes” rather than try to change those who say “No”.
I go where I am invited rather than wish I could be where I have not been asked.
I speak to those who are listening, as I am guided.
I give to those who appreciate the gifts.
I encourage those who are going for their dreams.
I offer spiritual wisdom and council to those who ask directly and value what is given.
I wait for no one’s permission to proceed with what I am guided to do.
I listen to my own words and follow my own counsel to others.
I respect myself and respect others, so others respect me.
I set boundaries which are self-honoring and respectful, so others know I am not sacrificing.
I expect nothing from what I give, because I give to that which I believe and am called by Love.
I love everyone equally and gratefully serve everyone, as I am called by Spirit Within.
I am fed by the joy of my life work and receive what I need to live in the world.
Where I hear of a “problem”, I seek and find many creative solutions.
When I hear of a difficulty, I help others find the easier path.
Where I find resistance, I look for the way that flows.
I never bang my head against the wall, because there is always at least 300 other ways to go.
I believe in possibility thinking, because I know it works.
I encourage other’s to first change, so we then can change naturally.
I know “We can.” When we think “We can.”
I realize that all things are possible for those who “believe”.
I exercise my spiritual muscles the majority of everyday.
I practice what I teach.
I live my values.
I give my best.
I enjoy everything I do.
I listen to my own words.
I am awake to life and appreciate what I have created.
I take responsibility for my experience.
I forgive mistakes easily and quickly.
I choose again for what I really want.
I am open to new possibilities and solutions.
I allow everyone and everything to be my teacher.
I am learning what I value and what I do not value.
I give attention, focus, energy and appreciation to what I value.
I flush the toilet of my unconscious or limited thinking quickly.
I delight in my successes and learn from my “failures”., therefore I always receive value.
There is more……Enough for now.
Make your own reminder list of what you can do, when you “think” you have a problem.
Loving You,
Betty Lue
Thank you, Dear Friends.
Together we are learning to choose for the Good Life, a Life of Abundant Peace and Joy.
We are off to OR with Robert’s Mom for a week to visit family and friends. Nov. 13-21.
I will be finishing my two Healing Reminders books.
I will be creating my inspired schedule for coaching, teaching and travel in 2005.
Please visit my web site: www.LovingReminders.org when I am traveling.
I will create reminders, when I have internet access available.
Listen within or call the 800-919-2392 if you need to connect with me to be reminded.
My Profound Gratitude to each of you!
“Thanks” to those of you who are supporting my Loving reminders in so many ways….
I really do receive your acknowledgment as spiritual food and fuel for giving more to All.
Your monthly tithes and heartfelt contributions provide for me and the loving services I offer.
Sharing the good news with those you know and love expands our healing world.
Your notes of appreciation and special ‘aha’s’ touch my heart.
Your personal emails always make me smile with personal gratitude for You in my life.
I need not have met you to truly know You and love You!
I will be publishing Healing Reminders Vols. 1&2 as of Jan. 1.
Cost of publishing is $4000, so your contributions really are creating something wonderful.
Cost of these two new books will be $15/ea and $25 for both, including postage.
I will send free books to those who make a tax-deductible contribution to Reunion Ministries.
I will continue sending free books to those who do not have the financial resources.
I extend my profound gratitude for integrating every reminder that is highest and best for you.
You make the difference. Your Light is needed here. You are the Gift of our Creator’s Love.
It is through our thoughts, words and deeds that we remember, awaken and rejoice together.
Thanks from your Loving Reminder,
Betty Lue