Life heals us.
Upsets are wakeup calls reminding us to be conscious.
Challenges are opportunities to strengthen our faith, our courage, our inner guidance.
Disease and illness are invitations to take responsibility for our whole life health.
Anxiety, fear and worry are clues that we need to learn to seek the goodness, love and blessings.
Negative and limited thinking are the opening to develop a new attitude of positive creative thought.
Difficult relationships are the call to forgive the past, to extend peace and love and let go with blessing.
When we forgive and release our judgments and fears, we experience and extend acceptance and love.
When we are at peace and have an open mind, we receive insight, guidance and understanding.
When we behold and appreciate the goodness in our lives, we are positive, joyful and creative.
When we dedicate all challenges and difficulties to the Highest Good, we are blessed by miracles.
When we remember to Love no matter what, we reclaim our True Identity and Purpose here.
Life is for giving and we are the gifts of Love, Peace and Joy.
We are the sacred place of Light and Healing and Grace.
We are the temple of the living God and essential Goodness.
We are the purpose for our Being and our life is a Loving Reminder.
There is nothing to get.
There is no where to be.
There is nothing to do.
We are simply to be the fullness of Love and Goodness we are.
This is our holy function, our purpose and our Life.
My life is a healing and Loving Reminder …and so is yours,
Betty Lue