If we were not afraid, we would not be angry and blaming.
If we were not afraid, we would have no call to judge anyone.
If we were not afraid, we would live in harmony and peace.
If we were not afraid, we could be creative and playful.
If we were not afraid, we would see goodness in everyone.
If we were not afraid, we would seek win/win solutions.
If we were not afraid, we would know our brothers as ourselves.
If we were not afraid, we would laugh, love and let go.
If we were not afraid, we would heal mind, body and spirit.
If we were not afraid, we would be happy and free.
If we were not afraid, we would build community naturally.
If we were not afraid, we would discuss everything openly.
If we were not afraid, we would see differences not enemies.
If we were not afraid, we would negotiate not eradicate.
If we were not afraid, we would help and heal, not threaten and attack.
If we were not afraid, we would give, not withhold.
If we were not afraid, we would be listening and understanding.
If we were not afraid, we would be positive and response-able.
If we were not afraid, we would be at peace.
If we were not afraid, we would not need to defend ourselves.
If we were not afraid, we would share what we have easily.
If we were not afraid, life would be simply fun, safe and easy.
Infinite Love and Gratitude,
Betty Lue