Our ego will never be happy or feel safe in a world where there is much fear and self doubt, giving to get, working to earn money and not listening within.
When we are not doing our job, we need to forgive ourselves.
When we make mistakes, we need to forgive ourselves,
When we expect what others cannot or will not give, we need to forgive ourselves.
When we fall asleep our on our connection with Source, we need to forgive ourselves.
When we try to get more of what holds us separate, we need to forgive ourselves.
When we make the excuse of just being human, we need to forgive ourselves.
When we blame God for our own unconsciousness, we need to forgive ourselves.
When we allow others to hurt us, we need to forgive ourselves.
When we believe that salvation comes from outside, we need to forgive ourselves.
When we make excuses for our limited and negative thinking, we need to forgive ourselves.
When we forsake our own principled living, we need to forgive ourselves.
When we justify not being responsible for our experience, we need to forgive ourselves.
This world has very few conscious awakened beings.
When we trust in those who are asleep, we are making a mistake.
When we blame others, we are convincing ourselves that we are not responsible.
Our ego seeks to confirm its horror story that God has forsaken us.
Our ego believes in victimization, crucifixion and death as the final punishment and escape.
Actually we have forsaken God.
We have fallen asleep and allowed the world to crucify our egos.
We can shut down our light and get lost in our own shadows.
We can forget and forsake our True Self.
We can ignore, distract, delay and detour our practice.
We can judge, punish and prevent ourselves from being happy.
When our egos appear to be harmed or crucified, know our Essence and our Spirit does not die.
What is Real cannot be harmed.
The Love we are cannot die.
When we fall asleep, life may seem to be dangerous, serious and difficult.
When we fall asleep on the job, we might seem to get hurt.
When we allow the Voice within to direct our lives, life is safe, fun and easy.
All apparent upset and injury is merely a wake up call.
Let’s wake up and live, love, laugh and let go.
Wake up and take responsibility.
Wake up and listen within.
Wake up and love and care for yourself.
Wake up and let God and love lead the way.
Wake up and trust.
Wake up and learn.
Wake up and give the best you have to everyone in all circumstances.
No one and nothing can harm our Spirit.
Our job is to stay awake and in love.
Our job is to remember We Are Spirit.
Our job is to keep reminding one another.
I am loving YOU and ME!
I am always reminding us to stay awake.
Betty Lue