Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Life Is Different Now

This is an open letter to Loving Reminders readers. (Spirit invited me to share the following with you.)
Loving Reminders was begun for spiritual friends, clients and students over five years.
It has grown to now include hundreds if not thousands of those whom Spirit brings together electronically.
This is personal stuff, so let it all go, if not important for you to know.

After an 18 year dynamic spiritual partnership and wedded union, co-creating a powerful healing/teaching presence with clients and students with my husband Robert, we have been experiencing a dramatic change. Robert’s body and mind are dramatically changing due to an atypical neurological problem (Parkinson’s or ??) causing problems with balance, primarily lower body muscle use, memory and decision-making, slowed reaction time, interference in thinking with any stress or pressure, less energy and ability to focus.
(Remember all problems have a spiritual solution—the Peace of God and Love for One another.)

Life has changed dramatically for me and for us over the last two years. It changes still daily. I find my flexibility is a necessary gift, for which I am grateful everyday. No, I don’t always stay patient and peaceful but most of the time, I find I am. This prose piece may be a reflection of where I live. My own life of joyous living and abundant giving is full and rich, and still growing by the grace of God, as I reach out , counsel, coach, teach, write and inspire…. slowly building a coaching and counseling practice here in our community, a new class in Transitions and Spirituality at the Walnut Creek Unity plus three others weekly on Positive Living for Seniors, Professional Development and a “Do Good” support group. Wanting to begin a Positive Living Sunday Fellowship, but need to find more “fellows” committed to join with me over the long term. Currently distracted and delighted about my younger daughter’s (Hilarie) wedding on April 3, our coming trip to IN which may be a swansong, a loving completion, for Robert’s teaching TFH and Brain Gym, a kitchen remodel to take out the 20 years of heavy smoking in the cupboards, my Mom’s upcoming visit, the beautiful blossoming spring trees and flowers and more. I am grateful everyday for the life we all share on this bountiful planet.
I am grateful for you. Loving you, Betty Lue

Life Is Different Now.

Where we used to run, we walk.
Where we collaborated, we talk.
Where we sang, we smile.
Where we kept moving, we stop awhile.

Friendship changes, when life rearranges itself.
Partnership becomes caring for basics and remembering essentials.
Having a good day together is quiet time at home or a walk in the sun.
Sharing responsibilities means doing what is left to be done.

When one changes, everything is in transition.
One day at a time is being aware of what today needs from me.
Dancing and romancing are exchanged for deep snuggling.
Sorrow and depression are replaced by comfort and appreciation.

With a slower body and a confused mind, everything takes extra time.
I learn patience, kindness and willingness to wait.
Where we were walking hand in hand, now we come together in balance to stand.
Where we laughed and played, now we pray, “Thank God for showing the way.”

Even when I do not understand the plan, I can and will accept what is.
Even when I do not know which way to choose, I can and will listen within.
Even when I do not know how best to love, I can and will remain happy and at peace.
Even when I do not know what to say, I can and will speak words of Love and trust in All.

Life is different now.
I see its perfection.
Because I am at peace.

If what is written sounds like I refer to myself, it is.
Where two are united, there is union of heart and mind.
Where one is in pain, physically and emotionally, both look for peace.
Where one is struggling with balance in life, there both must seek to find the way.
Where one is uncertain of purpose and meaning, there both are searching for what is Real and valuable.
My brother and I are not separate. Indeed none of us are.
Everyone on the planet is our brother. Everyone everywhere is one with us.
No man is an island. When we are healed, we are not healed alone.
Know I am One with you as you are One with me.
All of us are in this life together, learning to totally love one another.
This is Good. This is God.

Loving you and all as One,
Betty Lue