Thursday, November 21, 2019


Peace begins with me.
I choose Peace.
I extend the Peace in me to all I encounter.
I relinquish my judgments and find great Peace.

Peace Offers Only Peace.

Are you worried?
Are you afraid?
Are you hyper vigilant?
Do you having trouble sleeping?

The most powerful antidote to fear is Peace.
Peace offers a quiet mind.
Peace heals body and emotions.
Peace extends to others around us.

Educate yourself to seek helpful reminders.
Look for what you can do to care for yourself.
Forgive false beliefs and limiting perceptions.
Discover what you can do right where you are.

Fears of future unknowns deny our peace.
Judgment and hatred bring fears of being attacked.
Negative opinions disturb a peaceful mind.
Demands and threat encourage conflict and resistance.

Begin to clear you fears and worries day by day.
Focus on what you want your world to say.
Do what you can to make things harmonious for you.
Be kind, respectful, grateful in all you say and do.

It is easy to unlearn conflicting ways.
It is fun to open your heart to love and praise.
It is safe to stop defending and pretending not to care.
It is peaceful to shine with light to what you do and dare.

We may find ourselves upset and even angry.
Learn to step away and calm yourself with deep breaths.
Take some quiet time to find stillness and grace.
Forgive yourself for letting anything hurt or offend you.

When we seek for peace, we find it.
When we look for love, we see it.
When we want more joy, we choose it
When we live our truth, we know it.

Turn away from conflict.
Choose peace within.
Let go of fear and anger.
Allow Love to prevail again.

Let Peace begin with you …and me.
Peace will set us free to be.
Loving us all with the Peace in me,
Betty Lue