Wednesday, November 20, 2019

True Prosperity

Life is good and getting better with my joyful appreciation.
Love is flowing as I live my true calling.
All is well when I remember why I am here.
I focus on being happy, feeling successful and knowing I am Self Sufficient.


“Prosperity is a state of mind, a focus on being happy, successful, and self-sufficient.”
Notice what you think and say and do.
Your mind is always communicating to you and creating through you.
How you use your mind is totally up to you.

When you worry, you negate your happiness, success and self sufficiency.
The thoughts you have, both conscious and unconscious, are creating the same.
The words you speak tell the story of what you are choosing to have and be and do.
The behavior you act on depict what you choose to be true for you.

We literally believe and live our prosperity or lack thereof.
We experience lack of happiness, lack of success and dependency when we are afraid.
We can deny what we want to have without realizing where we inter-fear.
Our thinking, speaking and actions demonstrate our affirmation or denial of true prosperity.

As a child in the 40’s ad 50’s I always felt happy and prosperous with what I had.
I felt safe, loved, appreciated and blessed with what was ours, without an awareness of lack.
While we had less money, less clothes, toys and things than others, there was plenty.
There was never a lack of love, fun, opportunities for community service and educational experiences.

My family was always appreciative and happy in giving, caring and sharing with others.
Together we spent all extra time volunteering in community service and giving to encourage others.
There was no worry, fear, comparison or self judgment, because we felt self sufficient and successful.
I learned to share freely of the resources I have to benefit and bless others in the world.

Prosperity for me is being truly happy and fulfilled everyday with what I give and receive.
I recognize that my work is to teach others by example of how we can all prosper.
It is our state of mind that determines how prosperous we feel.
We can think and talk ourselves into feeling needy or feeling blessed.

It is our denial of our Good that creates a needy state of mind.
It is our comparative mind that believes we need more than we have.
When we are not using what we have for Good, why would we need more?
When we are ungrateful and wasteful, we will experience lack?

Allow happiness and gratitude to fill your mind.
Embody and feel successful in everything you do.
Recognize your self-sufficiency as you live with integrity.
Do what is yours to do and feel truly prosperous.

Life is abundant with the freedom to choose what is yours.
When you live your highest Truth, you find true joy.
When you share what you have, you feel truly successful.
When you use everything you have for the Good of all, you are truly Self-sufficient.

So grateful we can discover our True and lasting Prosperity together.
Loving us all,
Betty Lue