Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Visiting Mom and Friends

We are off to Asheville North Carolina this AM to spend 10 days with my Mom and long time North Carolina friends. No, I wasn’t born in the South. I was born in Michigan as was all my family.
This visit will include a Thursday evening Inner Listening and Intuition workshop, a trip to the Smokies with my Mom, a workshop on Faith in Action for a new Curves franchise in Taylorsville, NC with a Michigan friend and an all day workshop on Caching with Spirit. Y’All Come.

If you wish to read Loving reminders on the web. Go to my site at
If you wish to contact us while we are away (returning late Aug. 29), call 800-919-2392.
Or if you wish to reach me ddirectly, try my cell at 925-324-2409.
Know I am always loving you…
We will return in time for Gia’s first day of first grade on August 30.

Wherever we are, we are together.
Whatever we do, we are in Love.
Whoever we meet, it is for healing.
However we join, we can bring peace.

I am loving you now and always,
Betty Lue