Monday, February 10, 2025

Remember To Care





I show I care with every thought, word and action.

I am a Loving Reminder.

Love is the power that always works.

I am here to be Love, see Love and give Love.

Who Really Cares?

Do you care?

Does anyone really care?

How do you live with yourself, if you don’t care?

How are we going to live with others, if we don’t really care?

What do you care about?

What do you take care of?

Who really matters to you?

Do you really care about You?

Show up.

Pay attention.

Tell the highest truth.

Let go and let Goodness be.

First care about you.

Care enough to care about You.

Care enough to care about your life.

Care enough to care about those you care for.


Sometimes it feels like people stop caring.

When we stop caring, we are doomed to lose faith.

Without caring, we lose the will to live and love and give.

When we stop caring, we allow ourselves to sink into meaninglessness.


Some people still really care.

When someone cares, they live with hope and faith and Love.

When someone cares, they are motivated by living and inspired by giving.

When someone cares, they seek and find meaning in everything they think and feel and do.

What about you?

Have you lost your will to live, to love, to give?

Are you self medicating yourself to not feel or be real?

Are you lost in the emptiness of existing and living one more day?

Forgive yourself.

Affirm yourself.

Inspire yourself.

Believe in yourself.

Start with caring about you and your life.

Get up from the lethargy, apathy and do what makes you feel alive.

Stop feeding yourself with numbing drugs, empty TV, violent videos and constant complaining.

Refuse to go down with the ship, get a life jacket or swim for shore and fight to have life.

We are here to have Life and have Life more abundantly.

We are here to live and love and give and be grateful.

We are here to hope and try, explore and find what works for us.

We are here to create joy and gratitude, health and happiness.

I care about you.

I want us all to care about ourselves.

I know we can care about one another.

We can change the world when we care.

Deeply and profoundly caring, 

Betty Lue

Life is for caring and sharing. 

When we care, we feel Alive  with Love.

When we share, we feel Good and True.

We are connected when we Love.