After years of offering therapy and counseling, I have found the greatest need for all people is Self Love.
Learning to truly care for your Self is essential to be your best!
The best parents, the best partners, the best people all originate from Loving and caring for oneSelf everyday.
Make it your mission to learn how to love, respect, trust and appreciate yourself every day!
I love myself just the way I am.
I take impeccable care of you whole Self.
I value the gift of my life.
I enjoy the Love I share.
Love Your Self Today!
Love your Self Well!
Love your Self Happy!
Love your Self Healthy!
Love your Self Wholly!
Love your Whole Self!
If you are deeply and profoundly loving You, you will see You are Holy!
If you are treating yourself as a Gift of Love ItSelf, you will see who You Really Are!
If you are honoring the Gift of Your Whole Life, you will be the Gift of Love You Are!
You are here in a body, to be used to communicate Love.
You are here to live in this world, to give the Love Your Are.
You are here to share your gifts in this life, to remember the Gift of Life.
You are here to enjoy Beauty and Goodness around you, to recognize the Beauty and Good within You.
Your life matters.
Your thoughts are felt.
Your words are heard.
Your actions are seen.
Everywhere you go, there you are.
What you see is a reflection of you.
What you hear is a reminder to you.
What you feel is the gift you reveal.
There is no one just like you.
You are an integral piece in the puzzle of life.
You part in the greater whole is unique and necessary.
Play your part fully and freely and you will remember.
Each encounter is an opportunity for you to see.
Every moment is gift and blessing.
Every breath you take is a breath for us all.
Every word you speak is a message for all.
You are making a difference.
The difference is YOU!
Be conscious of your message.
Be aware of your difference.
Receive what you are teaching.
Receive what you are learning.
Receive what you are doing.
Receive what you are experiencing.
Trust, respect and appreciate You.
I do,
Betty Lue