Thursday, January 23, 2025






Being kind to you is kind for me.

I let go and allow each one to be as they are.

I am kind in my way of loving, learning, living and letting go.

I trust, respect and free us all to be who we are.


Be kind to yourself.

Be kind to your family.

Be kind to the earth and her bounty.

Be kind to humanity.

Choose to be kind.

Choose to see the kinship.

Choose to recognize everyone is doing their best.

Choose to educate and inspire with kindness.

Be patient with yourself.

Be patient with your family.

Be patient with the earth changes.

Be patient with humanity.

There is no need to push or pull.

There is nothing to make happen or do right now.

There is only the call to be gentle with all.

There is the hope we all will learn to be kind.

Kindness softens the sharp edges in us.

Kindness opens the door to willingness.

Kindness begins with respectful listening.

Kindness is the end to insanity.

When we can be kind to ourselves, we will naturally be kind to others.

When we are willing to understand our kinship, we see we are healing all humanity.

We are in this world predicament together.

We all benefit from all Good for one another.

Our kindred Spirit allows us to hold sacred our gentle relationships.

The sameness we feel gives us pause to be respectful and kind.

Our willingness to listen and be patient allows us to forgive.

When we can be really kind, we relinquish attack and insanity.

Take time to care.

Take time to share.

Take time to dare to be kind.

Take time to love yourself and others too.

Be kind to children.

Be kind to animals.

Be kind with your thoughts and words.

Be kind with your actions and attitude.

Dare to be kind,

Betty Lue