Monday, September 16, 2024

Choose What Is Right and Good



Full moon: Tuesday, September 17, 2024 * 7:34:30 pm (PDT)


I quiet my personal judgments and listen to the Call for Love.

I forgive all “inter-fear-ence" to the awareness of Love’s Presence.

My mind automatically erases all that is not wholly Loving.

I listen within to Inner Guidance for direction.

How Do You Decide?

How are you inspired?

Do you listen within?

Do you follow your heart?

Do you trust in Spirit, inner guidance or Higher Power?

Decisions can be made with emotion or reason.

They can be made by committee, consensus or popular vote.

Decisions can be made by rationale or scientific analysis.

They can be made by spiritual wisdom and inner guidance.

By whatever name or voice, there is an 'inner guidance' system.

You might call it an innate conscience or voice, a guiding light.

Each of us have that original connection from which we have come.

When we stay in touch, listening, and trusting, we know what is right.

It is impossible to decide by ourselves.

We can pretend to know all the facts.

We can ask our friends for advice.

We can follow our emotions of fear or love.

When we choose based on fear, our decisions are limiting and defensive.

When we choose based on love, our decisions are healing and creative.

When we choose from our own limiting point of view, we see with obstructed view.

When we choose with forgiveness and open-mindedness, we see, feel and hear things differently.

We have selective perception and remembering according to our beliefs and attachments.

We tend to follow the path most traveled and the judgments most remembered.

We see things that we believe have been true and believe they will continue to be so.

We decide based on our judgments, defensiveness and coping tools.

We can return to a natural state of “innocence” or “inner sense.”

We can experience a new perspective based on erasing what was or seemed to be.

We can see things differently and choose again for a new way of being and relating.

We can influence others and our world with our willingness to decide always for the Highest Good.

Forgive and you will see things differently.

Erase the past and you will see a new future.

Clear up what was uncertain and you will have new vision.

Be open and willing to see with an enlightened mind.

With spiritual principles guiding your way, you will seek what is best for all.

With commitment to the highest Good and inner listening you will respond with what is Good and Right.

With deep desire for what you really want, you will receive what is Whole and True and Loving.

Trust in your inner sense, listen within and respond with peace and gratitude.

Trusting in our Higher Vision and Open Heart and Creative Mind.

Betty Lue

“Give yourself to Love.

And Love will give to you.

Live your life with Trust.

And Trust will see you through.”

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Do You Realize?




I realize how amazing life is.

I recognize how awesome my part.

I remember the Love in me and in everyone of us.

I restore my Faith and live in Grace.

Do You Realize?

These Loving Reminders have been written daily and sent to thousands for 25+ years.

They are archived at the and posted on BettyLue's Loving Reminders Facebook 

There are now five Reminders books available at Amazon and two more waiting for my publishing.

My life partner, Robert Waldon, has four inspirational books available at Amazon as well.

When I realize all of this has been created, I feel grateful and blessed.

I realize it has been given to me and through me for all of us to share.

It is because I care to share and am willing to do what is mine to do.

I didn’t need to plan it, set a goal or make it happen.

Each one of us has an opportunity to do what is ours to do.

We each can love the One we are.

We can look in the mirror each day and love ourselves.

We can share a smile, a hug, a “thank you” with each one we encounter.

What is yours to do today?

It is right in front of you.

It is in every thought you think.

You find it in every dream you have or job you do.

Take time today to do what is yours.

If you see it needs to be done, it is yours to do.

If you feel it is yours to heal, you can heal it now.

If you think is it something helpful to say, say it.

Why hold back on living your life the best you know?

Why wait for someone to discover you or pay you?

Why not just step out and give your love away?

Being helpful costs nothing and gains everything.

What if all humanity showed up?

What if everyone paid attention?

What if we all told the highest and most inspiring Truth?

What if we all let go of our attachments and let things be?

Let us stand up for our Truth.

Let us play our part.

Let us be grateful to be right where we are.

Let us choose to share our Goodness right here and right now.

Life is for giving.

Our life is for living. 

Life is our Gift.

We, everyone of us, is here to Give.

Let us join in remembering and being Grateful.

Always Loving you, 

Betty Lue

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Live Your Best!




I live the best I know today.

I respect myself for giving the best I have.

My Best is a blessing for me.

I take the time to give myself the very best.

Live Your Best!

When you do your best, you have no guilt.

When you give your best, you feel good.

When you think your best, you feel inspired.

When you live your best, you feel grateful.

Integrity is living what you say to others.

Do you live what you teach?

Are in honest with yourself?

Do you keep your agreements with yourself?

Some find it difficult to honor what they say.

Some say what they want others to hear.

Some change their minds along the way.

Some forget to change their agreements when they change their minds.

How often do you take inventory?

Are you clear that you are living what you believe?

Do you do what is really best for you?

Are you deceiving yourself and others?

Take time to ask yourself what you value.

Are you living your values in everything you think, say and do?

Do you take impeccable care of yourself?

Are you keeping your word and acknowledging when you change your mind?

Do you honor the best in you?

Do you do what you say you will do?

Do you respect your right to change your mind?

Do you realize how much you life depends on you?

Doing our best requires:

Explore and discover what is best for you.

Stay conscious of what changes and choose again.

Support yourself in maintaining your agreements.

Remember what is best for you is best for others.

Your Best inspires others.

Your Best strengthens you.

Your Best is your gift to all.

Your Best is your Gift to You.

Give your Self the Best and you won’t be disappointed.

Your Best will be a blessing to you and everyone.

Appreciating your Best is a Blessing in my life,

Betty Lue

Ten Keys to a Good Life: 

Be Responsible for the entirety of your life.

Be Open to learn from everything and everyone.

Be Forgiving of all mistakes, yours and others.

Be Truly helpful by thinking, speaking and giving your best.

Be Impeccable in caring for your body, relationships, home, work, finances.

Be Willing to live with moderation in all things.

Be Aware of the Gift of Love and the Call for Love.

Be Exact with your thoughts and words; they create your life.

Be Hard-working with wisdom, gratitude and joy.

Be Good.  See Good. Think Good. Speak Good. Give Good.

Friday, September 13, 2024

Faulty Expectations





I let go and trust in the Highest Good.

I release false expectations and fear.

I free myself and others to be and do and have what is right and true for us.

I no longer need others approval. I now approve of myself.

Expectations & Disappointments

When we want people to be the way we prefer, they may disappoint us.

When we expect ourselves to achieve and succeed, we may disappoint ourselves.

When we set up standards for how our families or friends should be, we often are disappointed.

When we compare ourselves with others or what we admire, we will often be disappointed.

What are your expectations?

How do you want to be seen?

What have you agreed to accomplish?

Do you prefer to be free or have expectations for yourself?

Everyone is changing and rearranging their lives according to what they feel and want.

Some are trying to conform.

Some are trying to succeed.

Some don’t care.

Who are you pleasing?

Are you expecting others to do what you want?

Do you look for standards of behavior in relating?

Are you accommodating your parents, partner, friends or a worldly or spiritual standard?

Some have a mission, principles and guidelines in their lives.

Some seek to learn and some teach what they are learning.

Some are seeking for what to believe and how to live.

Some are resting and choosing a comfort zone in which to live.

Our lives seem to intersect and connect as needed.

We each seem to follow our own guidelines.

Many are regularly disappointed by others’ choices.

We may give up our expectations and simply allow trust in freedom of choice.

Observe faulty expectations and how often they yield disappointment.

Observe how being dependent on others’ choices is a set up for being disappointed.

Observe how your own choices are not always dependable and consider allowing change.

Observe how life offers infinite opportunities for change and being stuck may create inner conflict.

Weather changes and so do moods and attitudes.

Creation is every changing and expanding exponentially.

Openness and willingness invite alternative choices and changes.

Relationships, finances, creations, opportunities are always changing and rearranging.

Consider being surprised instead of disappointed.

Consider appreciating rather than criticizing.

Consider loving and learning rather than fearing and limiting.

Consider awakening and allowing all things to work together for Good.

Loving it all as I let go and trust in Good for Goodness Sake,  

Betty Lue