Saturday, August 31, 2024

You Are More Than You Know






I am Spirit in a body here to share Love.

I am a gift of Love enriched by giving.

I am free to be All I Am as I trust in the Good within.

I trust in the Power and Presence of Good within me.

Ego or Spirit?

Our “ego" is the personality little self that hungers for satisfaction.

The ego has a tendency to make choices based on fear of pain and attraction to pleasure.

The learning come from family habits, life experiences and ways of coping.

The strategies of the ego are to avoid losing which prevent the freedom to trust.

Some define EGO as “Edging God Out” and “Edging Goodness Out”.

Fear of death, losing, being wrong, feeling pain, create limitation, lack and littleness.

Our learned self usually looks for ways to avoid, look good, be right and feel better than.

The Ego tends to make all choices based on fear and avoidance.

Spiritually, we have a natural state of Wholeness.

Love is our natural state.

Abundance is our natural state.

Joy is our natural state.

Peace is our natural state.

Aliveness is our natural state.

What we learn from the world is to conform with what others believe.

Once we believe we are in danger, we defend and create separation.

Once we feel fear and build barriers, we feel alone and allow our ego to care for us.

Once we rely on the ego and its decisions, we are driven by our fear-based Ego.

In the Ego, without inspiration, we often feel confused, heavy, uncertain and distrustful.

There is little light or love to guide our way, because we feel alone.

The Ego seeks quick fixes, immediate pleasure, numbing drugs or apathy and depression.

We are often vigilant to avoid or deny our fear of pain, disease, doubt and death.

Spirit opens the way to True and lasting Love.

Spirit gives us the Light of happiness to follow.

Spirit engenders a consistent path of Forgiveness to follow.

Spirit demonstrates the Abundance that Gratitude creates.

When we have a glimpse or knowing that Goodness is Real, we begin to feel hopeful.

When we seek living in this Good or inspired state, we see that true happiness exists.

When we experience happiness and follow the path of Trusting in Good, we awaken to our own way.

When we are awake to live with Trust, we freely choose what demonstrates our Gratitude and Joy.

Everyday in everyway I am better and better.

Everyday in everyway I am wiser and wiser.

Everyday in everyway I am more and more trusting.

Everyday in everyway I am filled with the Light and Love of all Good and only Good.

And so it is, we begin to thrive, enriched by the Joy and Vitality within.

And so it is, we feel awake and ready to awaken by our simple Presence.

And so it is, we sing out with joy and gratitude for all the gifts of freely living.

And so it is, we fully embrace the Goodness in our heart and minds and everyday living.

Loving you and me, the Grand “WE", for being open and willing to serve all Good and only Good.

In this we awaken to remember the higher or Real Truth.

Betty Lue

“I slept and I dreamed that life is all joy. 

I woke and I saw that life is all service. 

I served and I saw that service is joy.” 

Kahlil Gibran

Friday, August 30, 2024

Remember Love



Affirmations: For you to use to clear your resistance and self sabotage!

Life is Good and getting better.

I choose to live with loving and peaceful thinking and speaking.

I forgive quickly and receive the blessings instantly.

I learn from everything and everyone to forgive and love.

We Are Here to Remember Love.

Happiness is Our Natural State.

When we are not loving, respectful and kind, some thought has "inter-feared"!

When we are not happy, we have lost our purpose and love for Self.

When we are not peaceful, we have allowed conflicts, confusion and chaos into our lives.

When we withhold Love, respect and kindness, we experience fear.

When we are afraid to love, we withhold who we are.

When we are not wholly Being the Love We Are, we feel separate and afraid.

When we are not sharing the Goodness within, we feel unloving, unkind and unforgiving.

The cycle of fear and withholding love comes from our judging mind.

When we judge, it is because we are afraid.

When we are afraid, we judge.

Where we are judging and afraid, we get stuck!

When we are stuck, we may experience, stubbornness, sickness, separation and stupidity.

When we are stuck, we may feel confusion, conflict, disconnection and correction.

When we are stuck, we may have faulty beliefs, misperceptions and limited thinking.

When we are stuck, we may be consumed, depleted, obsessive, distracted and demanding. 

Freedom comes with forgiving ourselves.

Freedom is created by undoing our fear.

Freedom is experienced when we erase and stop our mistaken thinking.

Freedom comes from choosing only peace.

In peace there is help.

In peace of mind there is openness.

In peace there is strength.

In peace we return to our natural Self.

When we are aware of the value of peace in mind and body and words, we can choose again.

When we know that our crazy and confusing thinking is distracting and destructive, we can stop.

When we learn a better way of being, doing and giving, we will experiment with its effectiveness.

When we understand that peace is essential, to healing, understanding and Love, we will choose peace.

Smiling at how simple it is.

Laughing at us for getting lost in the insanity.

Amazed at how many excuses and defenses we create.

Surprised by how long it seems to take to give it up.

If we only knew the trauma and drama we cause ourselves, perhaps we would stop the pain.

If we only understood how judgments hold everything we judge in place, perhaps we would let go.

If we only recognize how fun, safe and easy life can be by letting go, perhaps we would forgive.

If we only perceive the lesson and the blessing in all things, perhaps we would open to receive the Good.

I prefer to forgive myself quickly and let go of fear.

I prefer to choose peace and allow the understanding to come.

I prefer to stop the insanity and remember only Love.

I prefer to experience a fun, safe and easy life.

Betty Lue



There is no difficulty that enough love will not conquer;

No disease that enough love will not heal;

No door that enough love will not open;

No gulf that enough love will not bridge;

No wall that enough love will not throw down;

No sin that enough love will not redeem.


 It makes no difference 

  how deeply seated may be the trouble,

How hopeless the outlook,

How muddled the tangle,

How great the mistake. 

A sufficient realization of love will dissolve it all.


 If only you could love enough, you would be the happiest 

and most powerful being in the world.


Emmet Fox

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Let's Get Real!





I live my life effectively and successfully.

I trust I am where I need to be doing what is mine to do.

My relationships are harmonious; my work is fulfilling and I love myself well.

I live my life and learn with wisdom, ease and grace.

Let’s Get Real!

If you have a problem, deal with it.

If you have a pain, handle it.

If you have a conflict, clear it.

If you have a need, fill it.

If you have a question, ask it.

If you want an answer, listen to it.

If you have something taking your time and attention……

Deal with it thoroughly, until it is resolved.

Peace may be the answer.

Love may be the answer.

Faith may be the answer.

Giving may be the answer.

Persistence may be the answer.

Information may be the answer.

Listening within may be the answer.

Changing your attitude may be the answer.

Resting and surrender may be the answer.

Your answer is yours alone!

To quit is to give up on yourself.

To complain drains your energy.

To suffer is not right or fair for you.

To resent makes it linger and get worse.

To feel guilty gets you stuck.

To feel self pity makes you feel lonely and hopeless.

Do something or find someone who will happily do it for you.

Do not quit until you get what you really want.

Ask clearly and stop being so picky that you resent what you get.

Appreciate the answers that come and ask more specifically if you want more.

Life is a search and rescue mission.

You are searching for what you think you have lost.

You are rescuing what you sent on a wild goose chase,

You feel sad when you lose it and ecstatic when you find it.

Life is a get-out-of-bed and go-to-school assignment.

First you have to wakeup, like it or not, and then you need to learn something.

The longer you malinger and play dumb, the longer you stay stuck in the same grade.

Graduation comes when you “GET IT!”

We are responsible for solving our problems.

We are responsible for cleaning up our messes.

We are responsible for healing our relationship glitches.

We are responsible for handling our affairs.

Our life, however we see it, is ours to live, learn, laugh and let go.

The process is the process.

The joy or misery is ours to choose.

Consider being open and willing, grateful and happy.


Loving us all as we are here to remind each other, 

Betty Lue

Just Do It and be Happy Doing It!