I remember that people come first.
I set aside distractions and attend to what is important.
I focus on those right here and now.
I pay attention to what really matters.
What Really Matters?
Do You Care What Matters?
Are you paying attention to your life?
Do you make the best choices?
Or does your life choose for you?
Do you feel obligated?
Are you duty bound?
Do you do what others tell you?
Are you distracted by temptations?
How much time are you on your phone?
Screen time and social media?
Are you addicted to media and staying connected?
What about your kids, your partner and your job?
What really matters to you?
Are you constantly on your phone?
Do you sit down and have dinner with your family?
Or is everyone focused on their phone or TV?
If relationships matter to you, how do you show it?
Do you have conversations with people in person?
Are you creating space in your life to be with those you love?
Do you really care about the people that matter to you?
Try 24 hours without TV, phone, computer and technology.
If you cannot tolerate it, you have an addiction.
If you don't enjoy sharing real connection, you have forgotten what matters.
Family matters.
Your partner matters.
Your children matter.
And you matter.
How about Quiet in your home without TV?
Share Love with appreciation.
Learn to listen to one another.
Play games together—board or games or sports.
How about activities that teach fun and cooperation?
Cook, play instruments, sing, tell stories, reading.
Share memories, garden, take walks.
Paint a room and create beauty.
I believe we all make a difference when we give our full attention to what matters,
Blessing all of us for choosing to listen and love.
Betty Lue