Tuesday, April 11, 2023

What Are You Doing?





I make each day the opportunity to learn and love.

I am rewarded with joy, as I live the best I know.

Life works because I do the work.

I dedicate my life to knowing better and doing my best.

What Are You Doing?

Your life is important.

You are integral to life itself.

Who You Are matters to all.

What you say and do are your Teachings.

What are you saying today and to whom?

What are you doing today and for what purpose?

How are you thinking and feeling right now?

To What and To Whom have you committed your life?

We all have projects.

We all have people assignments.

We each have our own life path.

And these projects, people and paths are our purpose.

If you care, you will look for your purpose.

If you dare, you will live your highest truth.

If you wonder, you will inquire and observe.

If you don’t know, you will seek and listen.

While life appears to be a puzzle, the answers lie within you.

While others may tell you what is yours to do, they do not know.

Listen, listen, listen to your own heart song and follow along.

Be open to the guidance and direction within.

When you get off course, it will be obvious to you.

Bumps and bruises, confusion and conflict, show you the mistakes.

When you are right on track, you can feel the peace within.

Ease and flow, knowing when to let go, are the obvious keys to what is whole and true for you.

Your timing is your choice.

You will learn from mistakes as well.

When you are paying attention, clear all guilt and blame.

They hide from you the lessons you can learn.

Remember you are responsible for your whole life/

When you can see it clearly, you will choose wisely.

When you forgive the need to make “wrong”, you will be grateful for it all.

When you are willing and able to respond with love, you will value every moment.

Life is our teacher and our teaching.

Life offers adventure and a place to hide.

Life gives us liberty and gets us stuck.

Life is your work in progress to use and be used.  

Enjoy each day for it shows you the way home to the Best in You.

Loving you every day, 

Betty Lue

Once you become aware of what really inspires and guides you, you will begin to focus on it daily.

Your purpose becomes your guiding light.

You breathe it and live it and share it in all you are and do!!

You will attract to you all good and only good for your highest purpose.

Purpose Exercise

What do I really want in my life?

Make a list of at least 20 wants. (Freely write down everything that comes to mind, with no censoring or limits.)

What does your heart want for you?

What is your simplest wish for yourself?

What do you really want to have?

What do you really want to be?

What do you really want to do?

 What do I love to do?

What makes me the happiest?

What is my secret ambition?

What has given me the most satisfaction in the past?

What excites me about life?

What am I good at?

What have others told me I was good at?

In what areas of life have I excelled?

What are some of my strengths?

What is important to me?

What would I be willing to sacrifice for?

What do I stand for?

What would I commit myself for regardless of the obstacles?

What was I born to do?

Where in life can I make a difference?

What unique opportunities have been placed in my path?

What specifically does God want me to do?

 My Purpose Statement:

Based on the answers above, develop a short paragraph outlining your purpose. Take the three top priorities from the four areas to which you just committed answers. Construct a statement that explains what you are beginning to sense in your purpose. This can be a work in progress. What is important is to commit to something in writing. Your purpose can be anything you want it to be and it can include anything that is important to you.