Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Purpose Anyone?





I know and affirm my purpose and value.

I clarify my direction and focus daily.

I choose a life that has heart and meaning for me.

I share my gifts joyfully and discover always more to share.

Purpose or Purposeless?

To have no place to go, you are most unlikely to get there.

To allow the winds of time to blow you, you will get lost.

To care only about yourself, you may be left alone.

Isn’t it time to give some meaning and purpose to your life?

“Lost, Alone, Uncertain and Confused?”, what does life mean to you?

For everyone there is a place and a purpose.

Consider the reason you are here and why you stay.

There is a reason you are here.

Are you trying to finish some task or project?

Are you looking to belong?

Have you been seeking for some Truth?

Are you wondering about an eternal question?

Do you want to make a difference?

Are you longing to create something beautiful?

Have you come to simply enjoy what is?

Perhaps this is your time to simply be.

Each one has a part to play.

We have a function to fulfill.

We learn and grow in our living.

We uncover and discover in our journey.

We often do not understand or even look for meaning.

We may not recognize or realize our worth.

Our worth may not be seen by those who do not value themselves.

It is for our works to show us the import of the life we live.

To have no meaning often gives us no value.

To neglect our gifts may show us our worthlessness.

To waste what we have been given, feels empty and useless.

We have more than we know to share, create, contribute and express.

Isn’t it about time to awake the sleeping genius within?

Are you ready to step out of your comfort zone and show up?

Can you reach out and give what is yours to share?

Care for yourself and one another in your acts of giving.

The more you give, the more you have to give.

The more you create, the more you realize you are creative.

The more you love, the more you recognize the Love within.

The more you are You, the more you come to know Your Self.

And so it is: BE YOU!

This is your whole and holy Purpose.

Betty  Lue