Wednesday, October 05, 2022

About Time


I value my time and use it well.

I am grateful for the time I have.

I contribute my time and resources to what is good for all.

I enjoy spending time on what really matters.

Give Yourself Time!

Time is your resource.

Use your time wisely.

Time is your opportunity to live well.

Spend your time with purpose, wisdom and gratitude.

What are you using your time for today?

How can you spend this day to benefit your happiness and wellbeing?

What do you need to do for yourself?

What can you do to benefit others?

When you don’t have a direction or goal, do you waste time?

When you don’t have a purpose, do you squander the value of now?

When you neglect the value of now, do you misuse or neglect the time you have?

Consider what you can do to be helpful, to enjoy, to make your life better.

Every day is a rich opportunity to do what you value.

Today is your chance to enjoy completing projects and jobs.

Today is a good day to say “hello” and “good-bye”.

Today is a gift of learning, loving and letting go.

This moment can be used to bless, help, pray and give thanks.

Why waste time on distractions and excuses?

Why focus on what you cannot do?

Why spend your time minding someone else’s business?

Are you using your time to criticize and condemn?

Do you fantasize and wish rather than act?

Are you consumed with worry about what could be?

Do you watch news, tragedy and disaster? 

Use time wisely and well to make your life better.

Use time to focus on what you can do.

Live your life as if it really matters.

Today is the first day of the rest of your life.

Recognize that you have this day once.

This is the day you have been given to enjoy.

This is the day you have to use to be helpful.

This is your day to create Goodness, Beauty and Wholeness.

You will discover you are in charge of how you use your time.

You will learn you truly enjoy your time doing what you value.

You will benefit from everything that serves the Good of All.

You will be pleased with your self for using time wisely and well.

Loving our time together each and every day!

Betty Lue