Today is my Easter, the remembering of my essential innocence.
Now it the moment in which I seek and see only Love.
This is my gift to myself and all of us as I live the freedom and trust I have.
I thank the Light within me for showing me I am Whole.
Stages He (Jesus) and we may experience in Life:
- Humiliation
- Crucifixion
- Forgiveness
- Resurrection
- Ascension
How do we handle apparent humiliation, pain and abuse in life?
- Drama or Responsibility?
- Reacting with Fear or Responding with Love.
- Condemning or Learning?
- Suffering or Healing?
- Laying Down or Standing Up?
- Dissension or Ascension?
Have you ever been falsely judged?
Have you been attacked, abused, bullied or betrayed?
Have you been crucified for no good or earthly reason?
And what did you do?
Did you cower, complain or run away?
Did you quit, resent, hold resentment and fear?
Did you attack back, get even or withhold love?
And did anything heal that wound, separation or Pain?
Did you respond with Love?
Did you learn how to heal?
Did you Stop the Drama and move on?
Did you rise up and live happy and free again?
What if we stop teaching guilt and sin and victimization?
What if we start teaching forgiveness and Goodness and Freedom?
What if we seek always and only to love again and again and again?
What if we remember that we are the Light of the World?
The Sun of Goodness is the Son of God.
The One Sun is the One We are, when we are forgiving and forgiven.
The Light comes, when we have forgiven.
The Dawn awakens us ,when we remember the Light within.
The Blessings Already Are, when we blow the clouds of darkness away.
The Good is here and now, when we relinquish our need to hold grievances and complaints.
When we clear the fear, we hold no blocks to the awareness of love in us and all.
We are the ones who are here to remember to rise up, step us, listen and lift up all humanity.
Are you willing to forgive all things?
Are you open to not be hurt and see no harm?
Are you able to clear all hatred, judgment and fear?
Can you choose to rise up, erase what appeared to be and see the reality of Love instead?
The Innocent see nothing but the Love which always remains.
This is our healing and Holy choice.
The time is not to leave no guilt and no blame, no suffering and no pain.
We are here to clear the darkness of our judgment and fear.
Be whole and relinquish all limitations today.
Rise up and live new again.
Forgive yourself and be free to see and be only Love.
Loving us all as we awaken in Love, together.
Betty Lue
The only mistake we ever make is when we forget to Love.
Betty Lue