Time for Spring Cleaning!
We have our own job.
To stop feeling “down”, start choosing what brings you “up”!
I clean up my life as I go.
I take full responsibility for my thoughts, words and actions.
I choose what works to be my best.
I love myself well with everything I think and do and say.
Let’s Get Real!
Are you being honest with yourself?
Do you always do what is good for you?
Are you living the best you know?
Do you take impeccable care of your whole Self?
Do your thoughts and words and deeds work together?
Do you take good care of your body with healthy sleep, food and activities?
Are you prepared to be helpful to your family, friends and community?
Do you know how to forgive the mistakes you and others make?
When everything is working together for good, there is only Good.
When things, people, habits and choices are in opposition, there is intermittent Good.
When we are neglecting and forgetting to use our lives well, we do not experience wellness.
When we are focused on one aspect of life and neglecting others, life doesn’t work.
We have a clear report card of our health, relationships, finances and overall well-being.
We can read the results everyday in everything that comes our way.
We will know what is happening by being totally honest with ourselves.
We hear, see, feel and know what is real within us and our choices.
When we blame someone or something else for our current state, we are ignoring our responsibility.
When we allow ourselves to avoid or neglect our own choices and changes, we are deceived.
When we let media, research, complex explanations decide for us, we maintain our ignorance.
When we choose to be conscious and conscientious, we reclaim our own sovereignty and responsibility.
Life invites us to step up.
Experience gives us our path.
Vision shows us our purpose.
Love gives us the right and happy way.
We can be honest with ourselves and learn.
We can be true to ourselves and forgive.
We can get real with ourselves and heal.
We can love our whole selves and be well.
Life is a gift that keeps on giving, when we are willing to receive.
Let us love, respect and value the gift of life.
Betty Lue
May you be happy and well.
May you remember to be loving.
May you find peace in all you say and do.
May this day bring only Goodness to you.
Only Love prevails.
Betty Lue