Learning is fun, safe and easy.
Learning is helpful and healing.
I love to learn from everyone and everything.
I appreciate learning new ways to learn and live better.
How Do You Learn?
Do you learn from listening?
Do you learn from reading?
Do you learn from observing?
Do you learn from doing?
Everyone learns differently!
Do you learn from repetition?
Do you learn from being reprimanded?
Do you learn from being rewarded?
Do you learn from being reminded?
Learning can be structured.
Learning can be informal.
Learning can be experiential.
Learning can be rote.
Everyone attunes to different ways to learn.
Brains are wired differently.
Environments can be detrimental to learning.
Teaching style can effect learning positively or negatively.
Everyone loves to learn successfully!
It is our responsibility as parents and teachers to see how ourselves and our children learn best.
It is for those teaching to observe, learn and accommodate the learning style of others.
It is the responsibility of the partner in relationship to notice what helps our families learn.
It is up to the most conscious one to become aware of what creates positive relationships.
Everyone wants to learn and grow.
Everyone wants to do their best.
Everyone would rather be capable and valued.
So we must learn how to motivate, inspire and encourage.
Some need praise.
Some need constructive criticism.
Some need rewards.
Some need appreciation.
Some need to be observed.
Some need privacy.
Some need stimulation.
Some need quiet.
Some need a desk.
Some need to work on the floor.
Some need organization.
Some need stuff everywhere.
What do you need to learn best?
There is no right way.
Look only for the way that works.
What works is what is successful for the learner.
Loving to learn from everyone and everything!
Betty Lue