Wednesday, December 15, 2021



Joy guides my life,

The Light of Joy and Love are my path.

Everything I think and do and say shows me my way.

Quiet Joy is the freedom and trust I know in Love.

(See simple tips below!)

Once defined as a pervasive sense of well-being, we find Joy within Trust and Freedom.

We must trust and experience our freedom of choice.

When we take full responsibility for what we choose, we know we alone choose for ourselves.

We can choose what is a sense of well-being for ourselves when we trust our choices.

Joy is found in the place and time when we know we are free to choose and trust our choices.

First imagine the moments in life when you experienced Joy, 

Find the places and times when you knew deep sense of well-being.

These are moments of freedom and times of peace and often profound Love.

Some find this pervasive sense of well being in nature….ocean, woods, mountains.

Some find these precious moments in the eyes of innocence…. babies, dogs a beloved one.

Some find these times of existential oneness in meditation or profound prayer.

Each one has known these “God moments” or “Holy Instants”, sometime and somewhere.

They may be erased from memory because of fear and doubt.

They may be by-passed because life overwhelms us again.

They may be explained away with our rational thinking.

Natural Joy is a gift to the innocent who experience the precious Present.

Joy is our Natural State.

Joy is the way we remember Goodness and Love.

Joy is the state of innocence and wonder.

Joy is a gift to ourselves and others.

When we share our joy, others can feel us.

When we live in joy, others feel inspired by us.

When we choose our joy, we feel our inner sense of well being.

When every choice is guided by joy, we are responsible for our lives.

Joy may be seen by the radiance in our face.

Joy may be felt by the calmness in our manner.

Joy may be known by the consistency of Loving Response.

Joy may be realized by unfailing ability to trust “All is well.”

Follow the path of Joy.

Live with a sense of well-being.

Choose what feels right and true for you.

Know all things work together for Good.

The Peace of Goodness is within us.

The mental complexity and confusion may block our Joy.

When we know there is a place of Joyous well-being, we go there.

When we live with the Joy in our conscious mind, we are home with out inner Sense.

Loving you and all I am and do with Joy, 

Betty Lue


Make a list of what makes you feel GOOD.

That is your homework assignment every day!

Keeping it simple! 

When people feel “good”, they do good.

When people feel good, they are positive.

When people feel good, they are healthy.

When people feel good, they make positive, healthy choices.

When people feel bad ( sad, disappointed, hurt, angry, resentful, criticized and unloved),  they make bad choices.

The key is to feel good yourself and then help others feel good.

  • Be positive.
  • Be encouraging.
  • Be respectful.
  • Be helpful.

Tips to help people feel good.

1) Learn.

Talk less and listen more.

Only give advice when asked.

Keep conversations private and confidential.

Ask questions that encourage them to make their own choices.

2) Be Helpful.

Ask if they want your help.

Ask what they think will be best.

Ask what they want to feel loved/rewarded.

Listen and learn from what you see and hear and feel.