Saturday, August 14, 2021

Life Is For Living


I am created by Love as Love for the purpose of Loving.

Love is my natural state.

My purpose for being here is to forgive all lack of Love.

I remember I am here for the purpose of seeing and being, having and giving only Love.

Life Is For Love.

Life is for Giving.

You are the Gift.

When you are freely giving the Gift of your Love, you recognize the Gift You Are.

Life is for Loving.

You are the Gift of Love.

When you are freely giving the Gift of your Love, you realize the Love You Are.

Life is for Being.

You are the Being.

When you freely appreciate your Being, you fall into Love.

Life is for Caring.

You are the Care-Giver.

When you share your caring joyfully, you are blessed by your Care.

Life is for making Peace.

You are the Peace.

When you extend the Peace to all Beings, you live in Peace.

Life is for enjoyment.

You are the Joy.

When you share your de-Light, you are the enlighten your world.

Life is for remembering.

You are the reminder.

When you offer only Loving Reminders, all remember to Love.

Life is to create.

You are creative.

When you create with Love, Joy and Peace, you create only Beauty, Goodness and Wholeness.

Life is our canvas.

We are the artist.

When we allow God, Good, Love, Light, Peace, Presence, to create through us, we know Heaven. 

Life is to know All Is Well.

 I AM well.

When I remember all is well, all is well!

And so it is. 

Blessings abound, when we awaken to the Truth of our Being Love here in Life.

Betty Lue


¤      I love you      ¤
and I know you love me too.

The freedom for you and I to be who we are.

The freedom to live life as we do.

The freedom to make mistakes and learn from them.

The freedom to express our own truth as we see it.



The trust that there is a constant flow of love, 

no matter what.

The trust that, in spite of life’s problems, 

we believe in and support each other’s right 

to live as we choose.

The trust that in adversity, 

there is healing and learning and gifts of love.

The trust that under conflict and emotional expression,

there is love


I love you and I trust you.
I free you to be all you are. 

Betty Lue 1978