Tuesday, February 09, 2021



I am always in the right place at the right time, doing the right think for the right reason.

I trust and free myself to choose what is best for me.

I love living with joy in my heart and gratitude in my mind.

The only mistake we ever make is when we forget to LOVE,

What Is Right?

What is right for you?

How do you tell?

Are you making your own decisions?

Who and What is Influencing you?

To decide anything well, you must know yourself.

To choose what is best for you, you must clear the fear.

To be wise in your decisions, you must believe in yourself.

To know what is Good for YOU, you must forgive, trust and freedom yourself.  

Life offers us choices in everything.

We can stay or go.

We can be free or stuck.

We can laugh or cry.

We are the ultimate chooser.

Everything we do is a choice.

How and what we eat is a choice.

How we spend our money is a choice.

To work or not is a choice.

To be dependent or independent is a choice.

How and with Whom we spend our time is a choice.

Even not choosing is a choice.

People tend to blame and criticize others for telling them what to choose.

However, even this is a choice.

Being thankful or being judgmental is a choice.

Playing victim or sovereign in our own decision-making is a choice.

What causes people to hesitate and procrastinate in making choices?

We think, consider, compare, judge, evaluate and often deceive ourselves.

Rather than trust our natural instincts or intuition, we are afraid to make mistakes.

We have learned to base our choices on what is safe and will not yield disapproval.

When we have freed ourselves and allow our inner voice to lead us, we simply trust.

We trust in what brings us joy and peace.

We trust in what seems right and fair.

We trust in freedom to authentically be.

Life gives us the opportunity with every breath, word and deed to choose our own direction.

When we choose what we have been taught by society, media, teachers and parents, we feel safe.

When we follow the “normal” way of living to get along, we lose our own right to choose our way.

When we free ourselves to be, we learn to trust whatever choices we make and learn from it all.

Loving my life full of freedom and trust,

Betty Lue

How to Use Affirmations: 

Affirmations are used to clear unconscious programming that tends to guide our thoughts, feelings and behavior. 

Writing, speaking and hearing us say the affirmation aloud clears the false beliefs through our sense of sight, sound and touch.  

It is essential that we keep writing and saying the affirmations until there is no longer resistance to the limiting beliefs.  

Affirmations are not to be used to develop a new belief, but only useful to clear false limiting programs.  

Once there is quict, clarity, no resistance, we are complete.

My favorite way to do affirmations is to divide the lined page down the middle

The affirmation is written on the left side and your mind chatter or contradictory thought is written on the right side.
Then cross off the negative. 
Write the affirmation again on the left and listen to your mind chatter and write on the right.
 Cross the mind chatter off. 
Continue writing the affirmation 20 times and listen for the resistant thought after each one.
I would do it all by hand, so I could cross it off with my pen!! 
20 times daily for 14 days or until there is no resistance.
Do no more than three different affirmations at a time.
Things may change dramatically, so be prepared to notice big difference.
Life works when we are willing to do the work. 
Ask me for help if you have trouble finding the affirmations that are most effective for you.
 Always choose an affirmation that you resist, because it will help clear away what is blocking your Good.
They will always feel like a lie in the beginning and you may find great resistance to doing them!!

Affirmations for Conscious Healing  

by Betty Lue Lieber, MFT, Ph.D.

Letting go is fun, safe and easy.
I now easily bless and release all that no longer serves me.
I forgive with ease and let go with gratitude.
Everyone and everything is either giving love or calling for Love.
I am a Love giver.
The more I give Love, the more I have the Love I want.
Light, light, I want more light.
I choose to live with joy and give with gratitude.
I love my life and it loves me.
I have what I want and share the best I have.
Life works for me.
I am the chooser, never a loser.
Everything always works more exquisitely than I can plan.
I am clear, focused and committed.
I consciously communicate exactly what I want.
I trust in my inner knowing, always gentle, loving and true.
I let go of expectations, evaluations and disappointments.
I am creating a world of healing and love one person at a time.
The more I love and respect myself, the more others love and respect me.
The more I love and respect myself, the more I love and respect others.
The more I love and respect myself, the more others love and respect themselves.
I give myself the very best and all are blessed.
I am present, peaceful, awake and aware.
I share only the highest Truth I know and then I let go.
My happiness is contagious.
I replace all worry, fear and doubt with trust, freedom and blessing.
Peace and love and joy heal us All.
My body is a vehicle for learning only Love is Real.