Tuesday, October 06, 2020

Ask and Open to Receive!


I know thoughts create.

I think about what is good.

I deserve what is good.

I appreciate all good.

Ask and Receive!

This is your world.

This is your universe.

This is your time.

Ask and you shall receive.

Ask for help. 

Ask for healing.

Ask for forgiveness.

Ask for Love.

Ask for Truth.

Ask for Trust.

Ask for Peace.

Ask for Faith.

Open to receive.

Open to willingness.

Open to gratitude.

Open to trust.

We shall receive when we are willing to receive.

We need to trust and what we need will come.

We must be willing to forgive our distrust.

We must let go of our doubt and fear.

All is given unto us.

But only when we are receptive do we receive.

What already is, is always available.

WE must have faith. let go and allow the Good.

It seems miraculous.

And it is.

Miracles come from Love.

When we love, we open and trust.

When we fear, what is given, we don't allow.

When we fear, we doubt and turn away.

When we fear, we avoid and reject.

When we fear, we must forgive our fear.

We deserve what is good for us.

We must trust we can receive what we ask.

We must celebrate and appreciate the good that is given.

We must be grateful for opening our hearts and minds.

Ask and you shall receive as you have asked.

Be open. 

Be willing. 

Be grateful.

Always Loving You,

Betty Lue