I feel my best when I give my best.
I receive as I give.
Life works for me so I work for my life.
I want happiness for us all, so I am happy.
Be good to everyone.
When you benefit, all benefit.
When you thrive, we all thrive.
When you prosper, all prosper.
When we awaken, we awaken others.
Our Self-sufficiency benefits everyone.
When we do our best, all are blessed.
Everyone is better when you are better.
It is time to recognize that what is good for us, inspires others.
When we become aware of our blessings, we share them with others.
Our Goodness is a reminder and an inspiration to others to be good.
We are making a difference with all around us and beyond.
Our attention to our ethics and values is a teaching.
Our gifts of goodness lift up our family, community and workplace.
Our positive thoughts, feelings and activities bring more light to others.
We are the change we want to see in our world.
Pay attention to what you watch on TV and internet.
Notice what music you listen to and books you read.
Give yourself credit for supporting what inspires.
Be aware of how you spend your money, time and energy.
You are created to be creative.
What you create comes from who you are and what you want.
Create what is Good for all.
Live a life that you would want to always live.
The Good you do today will be the Good you receive tomorrow.
You are meant to be living and giving what is Good for others.
Take the time to evaluate how you live and what you give for Good.
This is your time to step up with enthusiasm.
Do Good For Goodness sake.
What you have done returns to you.
What you think comes back to you.
What you say will be said to you.
What you give to one is given to all.
What you say to one will be said again.
Be Good to family, friends, strangers and your Self.
You know it is true, so it is up to you.
Be Good.
Betty Lue